
The history of modern-day ICT

  • The Jacquard loom is invented.

    The Jacquard loom is invented.
    Joseph Marie Jacquard creates the Jacquard loom, a device that can be programmed using punch cards. Using these punch cards complicated patterns can be created, making way for advanced weaving. To demonstrate the possibilities of the loom a portait of Jacquard was cretaed using 24,000 punch cards.
  • The difference engine

    The difference engine
    Charles Babbage creates part of and plans the "Difference Engine" a machine capable of performing advanced calculations such as polynomials. Babbage recieved government funding of 17,000 pounds, twice the price of a warship, but as he was unable to meet the expectations and build the machine the project was put an end to in 1842.
  • Ada Lovelace becomes the world's first programmer.

    Ada Lovelace becomes the world's first programmer.
    AdaLovelace, assistant to Charles Babbage becomes the world's first computer programmer when she uses punch cards. In 1842 she managed to program the device to perform complex calculations.
  • The Difference Engine 2

    The Difference Engine 2
    Despite losing government funding Babbage continued working on the plans for the Difference Engine. By this time he had fallen out with the person able to build the machine, and had spent the money. He cretaed the plans for the Difference Engine 2
  • Colossus was created

    Colossus was created
    The Colossus computer was created crack the German enigma code, which was vital for the outcome of the second world war. It used 1,500 electric valves to perform calculations. It ran on electricity.
  • Internet invented

    Internet invented
    The internet was invented as part of the US military project to link IBM computers.
  • The first e-mail is sent

    The first e-mail is sent
    The first e-mail is sent in the USA. The e-mail is today a vital and utterly important aspect of ICT as it has reviolutionised the post.
  • The mouse is invented

    The mouse is invented
    Xerox invents the mouse as prt of the computer input system. This efeectively increases the possibilites and efficiency of the computer.
  • The first personal computer

    The first personal computer
    The first personal computer is the Altair
  • Toyata touch car

    Toyata touch car
    Toyota creates a car with a touch screen on one of the sides.