The History of Video Games

  • Amusement Device

    Amusement Device
    Patented by Thomas Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann the "cathode ray tube amusement device" was 7 years after one of the first electronic games. The patent described the first light gun. The device used a cathode ray tube and a oscilloscope display that allows the player to fire at targets that register a hit. This helped pave the way for electronic games as a whole.
  • OXO

    The 1950's is full of large computer that play very simple games. OXO was a computer designed to play tic-tac-toe. This computer and many others were precursors to a bigger event. They showed that computers are capable of entertainment.
  • Spacewar!

    Steve Russel, a MIT student, invents Spacewar! The first computer based video game. This video game featured simple game play that challenged the player to destroy enemy spaceships. Over the next decade the game spread to many computers.
  • The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail, created by Don Rawitsch and several others, simulated a pioneers westward trek. The original was made for a single teletype machine and later brought to other computers. This is one of the first choice based role playing games and had advanced graphics for the time. The Oregon Trail was now become a classic and is heavily referenced.
  • Jumpman

    Nintendo's release of the video game Donkey Kong would be the beginning of their fame. Jumpman would become Nintendo's staple character, later known as Mario. His creator Shigeru Miyamoto still work for nintendo to this day. His legacy starts now.
  • Game Boy

    Game Boy
    The Nintendo Game Boy popularizes handheld gaming. The simple technology and ease of use allows it to dominate the handheld market. With several versions and many games lets anybody pick up and play. The Game Boy lives on in the nintendo DS.
  • Solitare

    Microsoft begins to bundle a version of solitaire with a new version of windows. Millions of people find themselves enjoying the game. Solitaire becomes one of the most popular electronic games of all time. This sparks the beginning of casual pick up and play games like bejeweled and candy crush.
  • Playstation

    The PlayStation marks the beginning of Sony's main console. The line of systems would partake in the console war. The release of the playstation also kill the Sega saturn. The Nintendo 64 would come one year later.
  • Microsoft and the Xbox

    Microsoft and the Xbox
    Microsoft jumps in the video game world with the Xbox. Featuring games like Halo: Combat Evolved. It gains fans in an instant. This marks the beginning of the modern console wars. Between Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.
  • Minecraft

    This game becomes one of the first of many sand box games. This also integrates video game culture and pop culture. This game challenges players to make their own fun while throwing unique challenges at the player. Minecraft is currently the highest selling video game of all time.