The Iliad (Trojan War) by Cameron Karimi

By ckarimi
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    The Wedding of Thetis and Peleus

    The Wedding of Thetis and Peleus
    Paris is chosen to choose who is the fairest god after Eris throws an apple into the crowd at the wedding reading for the fairest. Then Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera each tried to take the apple.
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    Paris Takes Helen

    Paris Takes Helen
    Paris walks into the wedding of the gods and is asked by all the gods to decide who is the fairest. Each god bribes him to choose one of them and after Aphrodite offers him the marriage of any woman, he chooses Aphrodite. Aphrodite casts a love spell on Helen to go with Paris to Troy.
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    Menelaus' Anger

    After Menelaus realizes his wife Helen is missing after Paris stole her, he asks his brother, Agamemnon, to gather his army to attack Troy.
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    Mad Odysseus

    Odysseus pretends to be mad so he can stay home with his son, Telemachus. However, he fails and must go to war against Troy.
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    Odysseus Gets Achilles

    Odysseus Gets Achilles
    Odysseus asks Achilles to join the war after he is proven not mad and is given the two immortal steeds, Xanthous and Balious of Zeus, and impenetrable armor. Achilles also gets his best friend Patroklos to go to war with him.
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    Greeks go to Troy

    First the Greek take down all allies of the Trojans and then proceed to Troy.
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    The War

    The War
    During the 10 year war against Troy for Helen, Apollo smotes the Greeks causing a plague and killing more men than have been killed in the war. Then Agamemnon gets greedy and Achilles fights with with Agamemnon after he tries to take away his women and so Achilles quits the war.
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    Begged to Battle

    Aias, Diomedes, and Odysseus go to beg Achilles to come back to war but he will not fight. So Patroklos asks if he can pretend to be him and fight. Achilles says yes under one rule that he does not go too far into the battle.
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    Patroklos' Death

    Patroklos goes too far and is slayed by Hector. The Greeks and the Trojans fight over the body and armor of Patroklos. The Greeks win the body and Hector gets the armor.
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    Achilles Back into the War

    Achilles Back into the War
    Achilles hears about the death of his best friend and becomes angry. He decides to go back into the war. Thetis, the mother of Achilles, gives him a new armor, spear, sword, and shield engraved with the story of his life.
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    Achilles vs. Hector (Pt. I)

    After Achilles gets back into the war, he is told of his fate by his mother that if he fights and kills Hector, he will die. If he does not fight, he will live a long life. Achilles decides to fight Hector, but the gods interfere so that neither Achilles nor Hector will die in the war.
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    Helen's Tale: Hector's Family

    As Helen lives inside the walls of Troy, she realizes who Hector is. He is a family man who is loved by the citizens of Troy.
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    Helen's Tale: Achilles vs. Hector (Pt. II)

    Helen's Tale: Achilles vs. Hector (Pt. II)
    Hector tries to make an agreement that if he dies, Achilles gets his armor, but not his body, and if Achilles dies, he will get his armor, but not his body. However, Achilles disagrees. So Achilles throws his spear at Hector and Hector dodges it. Then Hector throws his spear and Achilles blocks it with his shield. After they shoveled around, Achilles is able to get his spear back. He throws and aims for the space between the helmet and chest armor killing Hector.
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    Helen's Tale: Priam's Talk with Achilles

    Achilles steals both Hector's body and armor. Priam realizes that his son Hector is dead. He goes to the camp of the Greeks and is lead by the god Athena to Achilles' tent. Achilles and Priam talk about Hector's body and Achilles, after starting to respect Priam, decides to give the body back and allow them to have 12 day ceremony for Hector.
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    Helen's Tale: Achilles' Death

    Helen's Tale: Achilles' Death
    After the ceremony, Achilles goes back to battle and Paris shoots an arrow into his heel, his only weak spot. This is due to his mother dipping his full body except his heel into a lake making him immortal. Achilles dies and has a 17 day funeral.
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    Menelaus' Tale: Odysseus vs. Aias

    Odysseus and Aias fight over who should get Achilles' armor and fight in his place. Odysseus wins and takes over Achilles' place in war.
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    Menelaus' Tale: Philoctetes

    Odysseus knows that the only way to take down Paris is with a better archer and the only one who can do this is Philoctetes. Philoctetes went mad from a snake bite and was left on an island by his fellow Greeks. So they got Philoctetes from the island and he kills Paris with one of Hercules' arrows.
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    Menelaus' Tale: Trojan Horse

    Menelaus' Tale: Trojan Horse
    The Greeks build a large wooden horse from broken ships and it is hollow to allow the best of Greek men to hide inside. The rest of the Greeks hide around the area and they leave a spy behind to give them a signal of when to attack. The Trojans open the gate and decide on whether or not to bring in the horse inside. Helen knows it is a trap and tries to lure the Greek men out, but they do not budge.
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    Menelaus' Tale: The Fall of Troy

    Menelaus' Tale: The Fall of Troy
    The Trojans decide to bring the horse inside thinking it is a symbol of Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom. The horse is too tall to go through the gates so the Trojans remove part of the wall. The horse is taken inside and the Greeks kill the guards. The spy signals to the Greeks hiding outside the wall and the city of Troy is destroyed.
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    The End of War

    The Greeks depart and go back home.