The Korean War

  • Invasion of South Korea

    Invasion of South Korea
    North Korea invades South Korea
  • North Korean Aggressoin in the UN

    North Korean Aggressoin in the UN
    President Truman brought the issue of North Korean aggresson to the UN.
  • President Truman acts.

    President Truman acts.
    President truman appoints Douglas MacArthur as General and send troops to aid South Korea.
  • MacArthur invades Inchon.

    MacArthur invades Inchon.
    General Douglas MacArthur lands troops at Inchon in northwestern South Korea, and attacks enemy supply lines. This cuts of enemy supplies and takes back Inchon.
  • China joins the war.

    China joins the war.
    China joins the war on the communist side which is North Korea.
  • General MacAthur sends letter to Martin.

    General MacAthur sends letter to Martin.
    MacAuthur wanted the Chinese opposition forces of Jiang Jieshe on the iswland of taiwan to return to the main lad to attack the Chinese Communists. Truman did not like this strategy and feared it would lead to widespread war in Asia. MacArthur sent a letter to House Minority Leader Joseph Martin attacking the President's policies. Martin then made the letter public.
  • President Truman fires General MacArthur.

    President Truman fires General MacArthur.
    President Truman fires General MacArthur after the letter MacArthur sent to Martin.
  • Truce between North and South Korea.

    Truce between North and South Korea.
    Truce Line is established near the original division between North and South Korea.