The Libertarian Party

  • Foundation

    Created in the house of David Nolan. It was created after disagreements with the existing forms of government and in response to Richard Nixon deliberatly controling the prices of goods and taxes.
  • Belief of Libertarians

    The Libertarians built their party on the belief that the two major parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, had skewed views on what the founding fathers had planned for America
  • First Electoral College Vote

    The party had over 80 members. Theodora Nathan and John Hospers received about 3,000 votes and earned their first electoral college vote by Roger MacBride from Virginia who was said to be devoted to Richard Nixon's party.
  • Roger MacBride becomes a candidate

    Roger MacBride was not only the person to give the Libertarian Party their first electoral college vote in 1972 but also the vote was for a woman. MacBride then became the presidential nominee for the LP in 1976.
  • Gaining Ballot Access in Every State

    The party managed to get ballot access on every of the 50 states. Since the Socialist Party in 1916 no other third party had reached that point of success. They earned more than 1 percent of the popular vote in the election marking the most successful Libertarian campaign to date.
  • Partisan race victory

    Richard P. Siano was elected for office in the western Hunterdon County and won. He beat the other Democrats and Republicans running for office and stayed in office for three years.
  • Party splits

    The leaders of the party, Edward Crane and David Koch, had huge disagreements. They left the party and due to their leave the party lost supporters.
  • Taking a step back in elections

    The presidential nominee for this year's vote was David Bergland who received a place on the ballot in only 36 states as opposed to the previous presidential election when the party had approval in all 50 states. He earned one-quarter of one percent of the popular vote.
  • Ron Paul comes into existence

    Ron Paul was a former Republican Congress man who won the presidential nominee for the LP. He was on 46 states' ballots.
  • On the ballot in all 50 states again

    Andre Marrou was part of the Alaskta State Legislature and the nominee for the party in 1992. Once again the LP managed to get their name on the ballot in all 50 states.
  • Howard Stern joins

    Howard Stern, well known radio host, was nominated as a candidate after publicly stating he was a Libertarian. He put out a political campaign for himself to be elected but then dropped his candidacy.
  • Harry Browne arbritrary nominee for 4 years

    Harry Browne become the main figure of the Libertarian party from 1996-2000. After conflict between the Arizona Chapter and the national party, a science fiction writer named L. Neil Smith had his name on every states' ballot.
  • Art Oliver running for vice-president

    Art Oliver was a a former mayor and concilman and endorsed his campaign by the belief in a smaller government and bringing back US troops.
  • Closest Presidential Race LP has had

    Michael Badnarik a gun rights activist and engineer, Gary Nolan a radio host, and a Hollywood producer Aaron Russo had the closest race the party had seen. They came within 2 percent of each other. Badnarik won and earned 397,367.
  • Michael Dixon becomes national chair

    Michael Dixon is chosen as national chair in the 2004 Libertarian National Convention after being a regional representative of the LP since 1988.
  • Discontent between members

    The year after Badnarik, suppoerters of the Libertarian party felt that the members were unclear about the functions on the Executive and National Committees. The structure once adopted in 1972 was not sufficient to keep up with the study and endorsing needed in the new millenium. Supporters believed there was a great loss of what could have been new Libertarian voters.
  • Libertarian of the year

    Jim Lark the third was awarded the Libertarian of the year for his contributions to the LP. He is professor at the system engineering at the University of Virginia where he advocates for the LP on his campus, earning him with recognition in 2007.
  • Robert Laurence a successful libertarian symbol

    Known as Bob Barr, he was a former federal prosecutor and member of the House of Representatives and former Republican. He received alot of attention with being involved with the impeachment of Bill Clinton. IN 2006 he became a Libertarian and was a nominee for president in the 2008 election.
  • Recent chairmain Mark Hinkle

    Mark Hinkle was a businessman and a Libertarian activist who was chairman of the LP from 2010 to 2012. He believed in a smaller goverment, bringing back troops, and having the government protect its country instead of attacking other countries.
  • Current chair Geoff Neale

    A software engineer consultant and executive representative of the Libertarian National Commitee, Geoff Neale is the current chair of the LP.