The life of F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Scott is born

    Born in Saint Paul Minnesota
  • Education

    Memeber of the class of 1917 at Princeton university
  • Contributer to that Princeton Tiger Humor magazine

  • Joined the army

    Joined the army
  • Wrote his first novel

  • Meant his further wife, Zelda sayre

    Montgomery, Alabama
  • Went to new York and Zelda broke their engagement.

  • Married Zelda in New York City

  • Had their first and only child and moved back to St. Paul, Minnesota

    Had their first and only child and moved back to St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Moved to Paris, France and wrote The Great Gatsby

  • Zelda was injuried in Paris during her ballet training.

  • Zelda has mental breakdown and is treated in Switzerland

  • Zelda has a second mental breakdown and was treated in the USA

  • Fitzgerald suffers from Alcoholism.

  • Fitzgerald dies from a heart attack believing he was a failure

    Fitzgerald dies from a heart attack believing he was a failure
  • The great gatsby is coined a classic

    The great gatsby is coined a classic
    Fitzgerald is considered one of the greatest authors of all time.