The Lifetime of James Madison (1809-1817)

  • James Madison is Born

    James Madison is Born
    James Madison is born in the year of 1751 in Orange Country, Virginia. He is the youngest of 12 children. Madison suffers from many illnesses as a child.
  • James Madison Serves in Virginia State Legislature

    James Madison Serves in Virginia State Legislature
    James Madison serves in the Virginia state legislature. He is intrested in the ideas of religious freedom and passes an act in virginia to implement this idea.
  • Declaration of Independence is Signed

    Declaration of Independence is Signed
    Madison, along with others, sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4th 1776. The United Sates now declares itself an independent country.
  • Madison Becomes a Delegate in the Continental Congress

    Madison Becomes a Delegate in the Continental Congress
    Madison becomes the youngest delegate in the continental congress. He persuades virginia to give up nothwest territory claims, which gains him a good reputation.
  • Madison Calls for the Constitutional Convention

    Madison Calls for the Constitutional Convention
    James Madison calls for the consitiutional convention in 1787, he chooses George Washington to be the president of the said convention. Madison aloso writes the Virginia plan.
  • James Madison Makes Sure That Every State Ratify the Consitution

    James Madison Makes Sure That Every State Ratify the Consitution
    In the year 1787, Madison creates a process for ratification and makes sure that every state in the US ratifies. He does this by recieving help from the Fedralist Papers.
  • James Madison is Elected to the House of Representatives

    James Madison is Elected to the House of Representatives
    James Madison is elected to the house of representatives and introduces a bill of rights with civil liberties. He joins the Democratic-Republican party.
  • Marries Dolley Payne Todd

    Marries Dolley Payne Todd
    43 year old Madison marries the lively 26 year old Dolley Payne Todd. Dolley has been married before. She has one son.
  • Madison is Appointed Secretary of State

    Madison is Appointed Secretary of State
    Madison helps Jefferson's campaign. Then Madison is appointed as secretary of state under president Thomas Jefferson.
  • Madison is Inagurated

    Madison is Inagurated
    On the 3rd of April 1809, James Madison is inagurated as the fourth president of the United States of America. He is a Democratic-Republican and also the shortest president.
  • James Madison Wins the 1808 Election

    James Madison Wins the 1808 Election
    Congress announces James Madison wins the 1808 election against opponent, Charles C. Pinckney. Madison recieves 122 electoral votes and Pinckney recieves 47.
  • The War of 1812 Takes Place

    The War of 1812 Takes Place
    The war of 1812 takes place, leaving the white house in ruins. The war boosted Madison's popularity. Dolley Madison saves many artifacts from the fire.
  • Madison Leaves

    Madison Leaves
    James Madison leaves the presidential office in 1817. He retires to the estate Montliper with his wife Dolley.
  • Madison's Death

    Madison's Death
    On June 28, 1863, James Madison dies. He lives 85 years and passes away at his estate in Montliper.