The Line of Time about the Crime of Creating a Measurer of Time

  • Ahmed's Birth

    Ahmed's Birth
    On this day, Ahmed Mohammed was born in Sudan. A humble and creative baby, he had no idea he would grow up to become a teen activist!
  • The Clock was made

    The Clock was made
    Ahmed is enrolled in a high school in Irving, Texas, and he wants to make a good impression on his teachers. His father suggests that he uses his talent - basic technological engineering - to help him, and so, he makes a clock out of a pencil case.
  • Ahmed is Arrested

    Ahmed is Arrested
    The day after building his clock, Ahmed brings his product to school and is shocked to find out that one of his teachers suspected it was a bomb! Shortly after showing it it his teacher, the bomb-squad arrives and cuffs Ahmed.
  • The President's Praise

    The President's Praise
    Two days after Ahmed's unfair arrest, Twitter was talking all about it, uploading over 500,000 posts with the tag - #IStandWithAhmed - in a short time. Even the president of the United States, Barack Obama, posted some kind words of encouragement to Ahmed.
  • Ahmed's Family moves

    Ahmed's Family moves
    After cleaning up a few issues related to law, Ahmed and his family was free from the Jury. The next step? The family decided to move to Qatar. They believed the incident was a case of Islamophobia, and so their decision was to put Ahmed in an environment where his religion wouldn't be disgraced and his talent would be appreciated.