The Making of An American

By Tstall
  • Join or Die By Benjamin Franklin

    Join or Die By Benjamin Franklin
    The first time the idea of a unified American colonies was presented. Up until this political cartoon that Benjamin Franklin drew and put in his Pennsylvania Gazette. Benjamin Franklin astutely realized that the only way to survive was a unified colonies.
  • Immigrant population in the colonies

    Immigrant population in the colonies
    This map shows the ethnic origins of the populations in the colonies.
    These people were divided by language, religion, cultural traditions and least of all terrain. It has always been us vs. them.
    Only they had to overcome these obstacles, change the definition of 'us' and 'them' in essence stop being German or Scot-Irish etc. before they could become Americans.
  • Boston masscre

    Boston masscre
    This picture done by Paul Revere was purely a propaganda piece. Paul Revere understood the need to change the public's opinion on British government control. Paul and Benjamin Franklin knew the power of the press to change public opinion. In the 247 years since this picture was misrepresented to the public to effect that attitude change, the power of the press has only gotten stronger and more influential.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Sons and Daughters of Liberty were the first Patriots. While others gathered and discussed the tea tax, the only remaining tax left from the Townsend Acts, these patriots acted by destroying the tea. Actions speak louder than words of protest.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    We were finally Americans, not British citizens living in the New World. The Articles of the Confederation was the first attempt of a national government. It lacked a leader, no army for defense, no ability to tax and pay off loans obtained during the Revolutionary War. These limitations were the result of abuse of power the British government had used leading up to the war for Independence.
  • The Constitution of the United States

    The Constitution of the United States
    the Constitution of The United States of America was the second governing document created. It was created to address the short coming of the Articles of Confederation. Big changes included bi legislative branch the ability to generate taxes and the creation of the the executive branch.
  • Flag of the United States in 1792

    Flag of the United States in 1792
    With the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the union, a new star and stripe were added to the flag.
  • Flag from Fort McHenry

    Flag from Fort McHenry
    America had its flags for battles. Each state had its own flag. The battle The Star Spangled Banner was written by Frances Scott Key after he witnessed the Battle of Baltimore in 1814. The flag soon came to symbolize The United States' strength and determination.