Ron embleton the unfinished revolution father hidalgo and the mexican revolution

Latin American Revolutions

  • Start of the Haitian revolution

    Start of the Haitian revolution
    The revolution began because while masters terrorizel africa slaves.Those who participated were African enslaved.The leader was toussaint louvertur and jean jacques desaline.
  • The end of the Haitian revolution

    The end of the Haitian revolution
    They fought france. The revolution was successful because the black people got their freedom and haitian become an independent country.
  • The start of Mexican Revolution

    The start of Mexican Revolution
    The revolution began because basically they wanted to rebel against the Spanish, they were tired of being under their power. The social classes involved were Indians, Mestizos and Creoles. The Leaders were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos.
  • Start of the South American revolution

    Start of the South American revolution
    In this last mayor battter of the war for independence the spanish colonies in latin american war the freedo.
    Those who participated in the social class were the Creoles.The leaders were simon bolivar and jose de san martin.
  • The end of Mexican Revolution

    The end of Mexican Revolution
    Throughout the whole revolution it was actually a success because during 1821 the independence toward Mexico was proclaimed. Although the European country won against Spain basically. The Social Classes involved were Indians, Mestizos, and Creoles. The leaders were Miguel Hidaglo and Jose Maria Morelos.
  • the end of the south american Revolution

    the end of the south american Revolution
    They won because they had better leadership and more power,and then the rules changed.They fought with Spain.