The Muslim World: Rise, Expansion and Culture of Islam

  • 570

    The Prophet Muhammad is Born

    The Prophet Muhammad is Born
    Around 570 C.E., into a mixed religious environment of Christians, Jews and Muslims, in Mecca Muhammad is born. He is born into a powerful family and is orphaned at the age of six and lived his youth in poverty. He is raised by his grandfather and uncle and received little schooling and probably never learned to write.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Behouins Organize & ProvideSecurity & Support In the Arabian Desert

    Behouins Organize & ProvideSecurity & Support In the Arabian Desert
    By the early 600's, many Arabs had chosen to settle in an oasis or in a market town for local, regional or long-distance trade goods. Trade routes connected Arabia to the rest of the region, sea ports and other merchants. These merchants moved between cities along these trade routes transporting rare merchandise, information and ideas from the world outside of Arabia.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad is VIsited by the Archangel Gabriel

    Muhammad is VIsited by the Archangel Gabriel
    When he was about 40 years old, Muhammad had a great religious experience. he believed that the archangel Gabriel ordered him to preach to the Arabs to bring them religious purity. He did not claim to have any supernatural powers but considered himself a prophet and teacher like Moses. He was opposed by leaders in Mecca and fled with a few followers to Medina. This event is known as the hegira (flight) and became the first year in the Muslim calander, 622.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Muhammad Converts Many Arabs Before His Death

    Muhammad Converts Many Arabs Before His Death
    In Medina, Muhammad made many converts and became the leader of the community. In a few years he returned to Mecca at the head of an army and captured the city. Through a combination of wise policies, toleration and force he converted many of the Bedouin tribes to his new religion. By 632, when Muhammad died, almost all of Arabia had accpted Islam.
  • Jan 1, 711

    General Tarik from North Africa Leads the Berbers Against the Visogoths in Spain

    General Tarik from North Africa Leads the Berbers Against the Visogoths in Spain
    In less than a century after his death, Muhammad's followers had overrun Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Arminia, Mesopotamia, Persia parts of India, Egypt and the rest of North Africa. Eventually they conquer the islands of the Mediterranean. They had even more success entering Europe. A people from North Africa, the Berbers were recent converts to Islam and eager for conquest. Tarik led them against the VIsogoths in Spain. In seven years they had passed the Pyrenees and raided the fields of France.