The Papacy

  • May 3, 900

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    Byzantine Empire held parts
    of Italy. The pope ruled the
    Papal States, while Arab
    Muslims ruled Sicily.
    Over time, the Holy Roman
    Empire was weakened by
    internal divisions.
  • May 3, 1122

    Henry and Gregory

    Henry believed that he had the right to appoint bishops of the German church. Gregory angrily responded by
    excommunicating Henry (later revoked). The struggle continued and Finally, in 1122, representatives of both sides
    met in the German city of Worms. The agreement they reached, Concordat of Worms, limited imperial power over
    the German church. Only the pope had the powerto name bishops, whose spiritual authority came directly fromthe
  • May 3, 1200

    the atempt of joining regions

    the atempt of joining regions
    The great goal of uniting Germany and Italy
    was never achieved. During the early
    1200s Emperor Frederick II tried to bring
    the two regions together under imperial
    rule. He failed
  • May 3, 1216

    church loosing power

    Innocent III was pope until 1216. Under him the medieval papacy reached the height of its power. After
    Innocent, however, the worldly power of the church began to weaken. This happened becausemany feltthat church
    laws limited their trade and industry. Also, people began to question some church practices(great wealth,method of
    raising money, worldly lives of some clergy members
  • May 3, 1309

    Querrels and the church

    Quarrels within the Church. There were divisions within the Catholic Church as a
    result of the claims of rival candidates to be the Pope. In 1309 this resulted in the seat ofthe Papacy being
    transferred to Avignon in France, where it was under the influence of the French monarchy
  • May 3, 1378

    the three candidates

    After 1378,
    there were rival Popes. One in Avignon and one in Rome. This Western schism lasted for nearly 40 years and harmed the prestige of the Papacy.