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The Possibility of Evil

  • Mrs. Strangeworth goes to the grocery store

    She walks past the main street and greets people while she is walking to the store.

    Mrs.Strangeworth bought some meat and tea for the afternoon.
  • The beginning

    Mrs. Strangeworth wants to go grocery store to get food and a lot of other stuff.
  • She goes back home to have tea remembering yesterday's event

    Mrs.Strangeworth goes back home. Walking down the street, she can remember the 15 year old Linda running infront of her house crying and running to school. She didn't care whether people saw her or not. She could also smell her roses!
  • Mrs>Strangeworth goes to sleep

    Mrs.Strangeworth goes to sleep because she cannot go to the post office.
  • The Evil Begins

    Mrs.Strangeworth saw a comment made my Mrs.Harper that is offensive.
  • Mrs.Strangeworth Works on her garden.

    When Mrs.Strangeworth wakes up, she then starts to work on her garden.
  • Mrs.Strangeworth eavesdropping

    While Mrs.Strangeworth was walking, she saw Linda and Dave fighting. She then eavesdrops their conversation. Linda said that Dave can't come to her house anymore. Linda also said that Dave is not cinsidered ass family anymore. They keep fighting until they see a letter that comes from Mrs.Strangeworth.
  • The letter

    When Mrs.Strangeworth goes to her front step, she saw a letter on her doorstep.
  • The Wonderlady

    Mrs.Strangeworth is wondering why her letter is sitting infront of her doorstep.