The Problem we all live with TImeline

  • Arrival of Blacks in America

    Beginning of nearly 400 years of inequality.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Rules that segregated schools are unequal and all students of every race should have the right to attend the schools of their choice
  • Period: to

    Massive Desegregation

    The nations integration of schools begins a massive upheaval in 1971 reaching a peak in 1988.
  • Desegregation Begins in St. Louis

    Massive upheaval of the Metropolitan area of St. Louis School system. Only lasts until 1999
  • Desegregation program ended

    State officials kill the desegregation program after only 16 years of existence.
  • Normandy Loses accredidation

    The Normandy school district loses its accredidation status
  • Normandy Students allowed to go to Other School districts.

  • Missouri First begins a new real statewide Integration program

  • Transfer Law takes over a million dollars from Normandy School District

  • Michael Brown Shooting

    Michael Brown Shooting in Ferguson. Brown was a recent graduate of Normandy District. Parents file injunctions to get back into better districts.
  • Normandy School District Changes to Non-Accredited

    Nedra Martin and other parents with students allowed to change schools must be returned to the Normandy school district.