The Rise and Fall Of Ghana

  • 300

    Beginning of Ghana

    This is the beginning of the Soninke banding together for protection against nomadic herders who wanted to move into the area. This is the start of Ghana.
  • Period: 300 to Dec 31, 1200

    The Rise and Fall of Ghana

    This empire lasted from 300 AD to 1200 AD
  • Nov 16, 1060


    A group of North African Muslims call Almoravids attacked Ghana
  • Nov 16, 1100


    In the mid-1000s, Ghana was rich and powerful.
  • Nov 16, 1200

    The Fall of Ghana

    In the early 1200s, the empire had collapsed. Three major factors contributed to its end.
  • Trade in Ghana

    By 800 Ghana was firmly in control of West Africa's trade routes. Nearly all trade between northern and southern Africa passed through Ghana.