
The Struggles for Equal Rights

  • Slavery

    In 1865 13th Amendment outlaws slavery
  • The Ku Klux Klan

    The Ku Klux Klan
    In 1865 the Ku Klux Klan founded to maintain white supremacy throuhg intimidation, and violence.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's Bureau
    In 1865 Freedman's Bureau formed during reconsturction to assist freed slaves in the south.
  • Civil Acts Right

    Civil Acts Right
    In 1866 Civil Rights Acts grants citizenship to native-born Americans except Indians.
  • Equal Protection

    In 1868 14th Amendment grants equal protection of the laws to African Americans
  • The right to vote

    The right to vote
    In 1870 15th Amendment establishes the right of African American males to vote
  • Public Accommodations

    In 1875 Civil Rights Act grants equal access to public accommodations
  • Separate but Equal

    In 1896 Supreme Court validates the principle of "separate but equal" in Plessy v. Ferguson
  • Niagara Movement

    Niagara Movement
    In 1905 Niagara Movement founded to fight for school integration, voting rights, and assist African American political candidates, forerunner of the NAACP
  • Greensburg Riot

    Greensburg Riot
    In 1906 Greensburg, Indiana, race riot, the first of many in reaction to African American migration north
  • KKK

    The KKK re-invented themselves
  • the right to vote

    the right to vote
    in 1920 the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote.
  • Congress For Civil Rights

    Congress For Civil Rights
    In 1942 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) fought for Civil Rights using non-violent protest
  • Segregation in the military

    Segregation in the military
    in 1948 segregation in the U.S military was ended by President Harry Truman.
  • law overturned

    law overturned
    In 1954 Brown vs. Borad of education overturned the sepreate but equal law.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to move out her seat and the boycott began.
  • Desegregation of schools

    Desegregation of schools
    in 1957 the troops were sent to Arkansas to inforce the desegregation of schools, by president Dwight Eisnerhower
  • reassurance of voting rights

    reassurance of voting rights
    In 1960 the Civil Rights Act confirms voting rights for all americans.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X
    In 1965 Malcolm X was assassinated, while preparing to give a speech
  • Martin Luther King

    Martin Luther King
    Martin luther King was assassinated