The Transcontinental Railroad

  • Period: to

    The Making Of The Transcontinental Railroad

  • Now Hiring

    Now Hiring
    Advertisements were distributed and put up at post offices for white workers to apply for the job.
  • Contracted

    President Lincoln gives permission for the railroad to be constructed.
  • Recruitment

    Charles Crocker was instructed to hire Chinese laborers because the white men went on strike.
  • Recruitment

    The Chinese workers were being recruited but because of their size, they had to begin by filling dump carts.
  • Confederate Workers

    Confederate Workers
    5,000 Confederate prisoners were asked to be laborers but the war had ended so they hired the Chinese.
  • Nitroglycerin

    The company brought in nitroglycerin and the Chinese were the only ones allowed to use it.
  • Homeric Winter

    Homeric Winter
    This was the worst winter in history, many were killed because of the snow drifts. The Chinese were able to carve a working city under the snow.
  • Snow Slide

    Snow Slide
    A group of Chinese workers were buried underneath a snow drift, some were able to be saved but most froze to death.
  • Strike

    Chinese workers felt that they deserved more money. It only lasted a week and they were awarded a raise.
  • Burlingame Treaty

    Burlingame Treaty
    This allowed America and China to come into each others country for useful purposes.
  • Race To The Finish

    Race To The Finish
    About a mile away from each other, they raced to see who could finish first.
  • Finished At Last

    Finished At Last
    Two railroads finally laid the last track at Promontory Point, Utah.