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Vietnam War Events

By emcoury
  • Ho Chi Mihn

    Ho Chi Mihn
    President of north Vietnam. The communist leader against the French. His presidency took place when he defeated the French.
    (The exact date is unclear.)
  • The Geneva Agreement

    The Geneva Agreement
    France surrendered North Vietnam to the Viet Minh. After the victory, document called the Geneva Agreement. This agreement was made to draw a line between north and south Vietnam.
  • First Troops

    First Troops
    The first troops are sent to aide the french. 3500 marines were sent as to combat. This is important because it marks the start of what ended up being thousands of men sent to war.
  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    In efforts to stop the spread of communism, the war began. This is around the time that the U.S. was involved.
  • The Guerilla Strike at Bienhoa

    The Guerilla Strike at Bienhoa
    The first Americans victims of the war. Master Sargeant Chester M. Ovnand and Major Dale R. Buis. This is important because events like this make the war seem real.
  • Assasination

    President Diem's assasination. Diem was the democratic prime minister of south vietnam. the US and allies placed him there
  • Tonkin Gulf Resoultion

    Tonkin Gulf Resoultion
    President Johnson announced the ships on Tonkin Gulf were under attack by the North Vietnamese. At this time, the U.S. fought back against all odds.
  • Junction City

    Junction City
    Operation Junction City is a go to destroy south Vietnam's bases and military.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    A series of suprise attacks against south Vietnam. This was an effort for U.S. military to withdraw from the war. A major battle started by the communists.
  • Peace

    The peace negoitations between the U.S. and Vietnamese officals took place.
  • New President

    New President
    Richard Nixon is now the president.
  • Agree to Disagree

    Agree to Disagree
    The U.S., north and south Vietnam PRG signed the Agreement on Ending War and Resorting Peace in Vietnam signed in Paris.
  • War is Over!

    War is Over!
    U.S. troops were withdrawn. POW were released. This is marked the offical end of the war.
  • The Last of 'Em

    The Last of 'Em
    Finally, the last American troops leave Vietnam and return home.
  • Stepping Down from Office

    Stepping Down from Office
    President Nixon resigns from office. Also the end of economic aid to Vietnam is discontinued.
  • President Carter

    President Carter
    SVR (Socialist Republic of Vietnam) took place under Carter. This being an effort to normalize bilateral relations.