The Vietnam War

  • Viet Minh Founded

    Viet Minh Founded
    <a href=</a>The League for the Independence of Vietnam is founded, called The Viet Minh. Nationalists believed Vietnam could rule itself as an independent state.
  • Hiroshima

    <a href='' >
    The United States drops the first ever atomic bomb on Japanese city Hiroshima. the bomb wipes out nearly 90 percent of the population resulting in the surrendering of Japan.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan announces their surrender, oficially ending World War II after the devestation of Hiroshima.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy promising U.S support to communists.
  • Einsehower Rejects Involvement

    Einsehower Rejects Involvement
    <a</a>President Eisenhower rejects U.S involvement to the France-Vietnamese War in order to rescue the French. He suspected high casualty rates and dismisses air raid.
  • Dien Bien Phu

    Dien Bien Phu
    <a/></a>The Viet Minh, the Independence League for Vietnam, launches its first assault on French soldiers at Dien Bien Phu, also known as The Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
  • Nixon Supports U.S Involvment

    Nixon Supports U.S Involvment
    Vice President Nixon makes a speech addressing "if to avoid further Communist expansion in Asia and Indochina we must take the risk now of putting our boys in, I think the Executive has to take the politically unpopular decision and do it".
  • Vietnam Independence

    Vietnam Independence
    France recognizes Vietnam an independent state under French rule.
  • First U.S. Soldier Death

    First U.S. Soldier Death
    Two military advisors are killed by Viet Minh soldiers in a raid . These are the first American (non combat) deaths recorded in Vietnam.
  • First U.S Combat Death

    First U.S Combat Death American serviceman dies in Vietnam, the first combat death reported. For many Americans, the death will mark the beginning of the Vietnam War
  • Military Assistance Command Vietnam

    Military Assistance Command Vietnam
    The MACV replaces MAAG allowing United States military authorization to fire if fired upon. By the end of the year, the U.S. military presence in Vietnam will reach 11,000.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    President John F. Kennedy was assinated in Dallas, Texas.
  • Draft Cards

    Draft Cards gather in New York City tand burn their draft cards protest the Vietnam War.
  • Watergate

    Watergate major political scandal by five men who burglarized the headquarters for the Democratic National Committee resulting in Nixon's resignation.
  • Lon Nol government collapses

    Lon Nol government collapses
    In April the Lon Nol government collapses shocking the entire world.