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The War in The Gulf

By amr187
  • Iraqi Invades Kuwait

    Iraqi Invades Kuwait
    It only took Iraqi’s invading forces one day to fully take over the country of Kuwait. At approximately 2 am​, Iraqi forces began invading the small country of Kuwait. Those who could flee fled to their neighboring brethren in Saudi Arabia. Iraqi maintained control of the country and its oil reserves for a long 7 months.
  • The United Nations Demands Withdrawal

    The United Nations Demands Withdrawal
    The Security Council of the United Nations demanded Iraqi troops to make an ‘immediate and unconditional’ withdrawal of Iraqi troops. The United Nations also ordered all other countries to immediately cease oil purchases made with Iraqi.
  • Operation Desert Shield

    Operation Desert Shield
    Both British and United States troops, as well as supplies and weaponry, ​were ordered to the Persian Gulf with the sole​ aim of liberating Kuwait. On the same day Baghdad, the capital of Iraqi, announced to the world that Kuwait was now part of Iraq. The following day Iraq closed its borders.
  • Trade Boycott Enforcement

    Trade Boycott Enforcement
    During this time Kuwait held 20% percent of the world’s oil reserves. Due to this substantial stake in oil, many countries continued to feed their oil needs via trade with Kuwait even after the United Nations placed a ban on it. The United Nations only option was to authorize force in to make sure countries followed the ban. The Iraqi troops would later set fire to the massive oil fields found in Kuwait as a retaliation for having been forcibly​ removed.
  • The United Nations Makes it Clear

    The United Nations Makes it Clear
    The deadline of January 15th, 1991 is given to Iraqi as the absolute latest date that the country must voluntarily withdrawal all forces occupying Kuwait. If Iraqi refuses, the United Nations will employ any force necessary to remove the Iraqi presence. Iraqi refuses.
  • Nationals Released

    Nationals Released
    On the last day of November, President Bush of the United States invites Iraqi leaders to join direct talks. Six days later, Iraqi leaders Saddam Hussein released three thousand foreign nationals previously being held strategically around Kuwait.
  • Iraqi Ignores the United Nation's Threat

    Iraqi Ignores the United Nation's Threat
    The deadline for the United Nation’ threats comes and goes and Iraqi does nothing to satisfy the demands. Strategically at this point, Iraqi is packing 540,000 troops while the allied troops from all over the globe have only 20,000 more. A first day after the passing deadline, Operation Desert Storm is launched and the United States delivers massive payloads of missiles on Iraqi and Kuwait.
  • The Ceasefire

    The Ceasefire
    Due to an increase of aggressive tactics by Iraqi, such as scud missiles and having taken hostages, both the United States and the Soviet Union agree that if Iraqi pulls out all of their forces in Kuwait, they would ceasefire.
  • Ground Assault

    Ground Assault
    After an intense six weeks of missile bombardment on Iraqi and Kuwait following Iraq's refusal to withdraw, the United States finally launches and a massive land assault. It does not take long for the lesser equipped, lesser trained Iraqi soldiers to be overwhelmed.
  • Liberation

    At the end of February ​1991, the liberation of Kuwait is commenced. All in all, over 500,000 prisoners were taken and half of the Iraqi forces were destroyed. The next day Iraq accepted the United Nations resolutions.