The War of 1812

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    The War of 1812

  • James Madison Takes Office

    James Madison Takes Office
    Tension was high with Britain when James Madison took office in 1809. America was angry with Britain for arming Northwest Native Americans in the Northwest, and for impressment
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    In 1810, two strong nationalist, Henry Clay, and John C Calahoun, became leaders in the House of Representatives. They wanted to go to war with Britain.
  • Relations With Great Britain Worsen

    Relations With  Great Britain Worsen
    The British Countinued the impressment of American sailors. Many New Englanders opposed the war, they believed it would harm American trade.
  • Congress Declares War on Britain

    Congress Declares War on Britain
    Native Americans in the Northwest territory began attacks on settlements along the frontier. British armed the Native Americans, and congress delared war.
  • America Is Not Ready For War

    America Is Not Ready For War
    When the war began, America was confident that they would win. But they were not ready. Thomas Jefferson's cuts weakened the stength of the military. They only had 16 warships, with fewer than 7,000 men.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    In the first days of the war the British set up a blockade of the American coast. They had 135 warships blockading American ports. They closed off all ports.
  • Invasion Of Canada

    Invasion Of Canada
    In July 1812 , American troops under General William Hull invaded Canada from Detroit. Fearing he did not have enough soldiers he retreated. General Isaac Brock used Hulls confusion, and ordered his soldiers to capture them.
  • U.S.S. Constitution Scores a Victory

    U.S.S. Constitution Scores a Victory
    The U.S.S. Constitution defeated the warship Guerriere in a fierce battle. The sailors named the ship Old Iron Sides, because the British artillery bounced off its hull.
  • Battle of Erie

    Battle of Erie
    Both sides knew the importance of controlling lake erie. A 3- hour battle took place at Put-In-Bay, in the western part of the lake. The American captain Oliver Hazard Perry switched ships to win the battle.
  • Battle of Horshoe Bend

    Battle of Horshoe Bend
    Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek's at the battle of Horshoe bend.Making the Creeks give up millions of acres of land.
  • Washington Attacked And Burned

    Washington Attacked And Burned
    The nations capital Wahington D.C. was attacked and the army could not defend washington. The Presidents wife saved all the important document.
  • Writing of The Star Spangled Banner

    Writing of The Star Spangled Banner
    After the attack on fort McHenry, Scoot Key saw the American flag still flying over the fort. He created the poem that then became the U.S. national anthem.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    A group of federalist met in Hartford Connecticut. They suggested that the New England states secede from the United States. Other delagates spoke of the peace treaty.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    By 1814 Britain had tired of war. Peace talks began in Ghent. On christmas eve the two sides signed the treaty of Ghent. The treaty brought things back to the way they were before the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    News of the Treaty of Ghent took several weeks to reach the U.S. In that time there was one final battle. General Andrew Jackson won a stunning victory at New Orleans.