The Watergate Scandle

  • Watergate Hotel and Office Complex

    Watergate Hotel and Office Complex
    Where Nixon broke in to steal things
  • CRP

    Committe to Reelect the President
  • Fight over tapes

    Fight over tapes
    Nixon was accused of video taping conversations
  • Saturday Night Massacre

    Saturday Night Massacre
    A series of events that happened during the watergate scandal
  • The CIA

    The CIA was there after the scandle to figure out details
  • Resignation

    President nixon resigned
  • Costly for Ford and Republicans

    Ford committed political suicide- pardoned Nixon
  • 25th amendment

    In case the president dies or resigns the vice president shll become president
  • John Dean

    John Dean
    One of the top witnesses
  • 26th amendment

    If your 18 or older you cant be denied the right to vote