Wright brothers

The Wright Brothers

  • Wilbur Wright

    Wilbur Wright
    On this date Wilbur Wright was born.
  • Orville Wright was born

    Orville Wright was born
    On this date Orville Wright was born.
  • Milton Wright

    Milton Wright
    In 1878 the brother's father came home and brought a rubber band powered toy helicopter. It was designed by Alphonse Penaud. This little plane did not crash. It flew and flew until it hit the ceiling. Wilbur and orville never forgot this moment. The boys always used to build little toy airplanes.
  • Accident

    There was a sports injury that led to further health problems that also prevented Wilbur from attending college.
  • Printing Business

    Printing Business
    Orville started a printing business while he was still in high school.
  • Wright Cycle

    Wright Cycle
    In 1892 the brothers formed the Wright Cycle. They used this business to sell bycicles and they worked the business in their spare time.
  • The brothers serious work

    The brothers serious work
    Wilbur Wright wrote the Smithsonian for literature. Wilbur took the lead in some of the early stages of work to try and solve the problem of flight.
  • Control System

    Control System
    Wilbur devises a aerodynamic control system for aircraft.
  • Practice

    They went to Kittyhawk, NC hoping to gain some flight experience.
  • The Letter

    The Letter
    Wilbur Wright wrote this letter adressed to Octave Chanute. Here is the letter:
    For some years I have been afflicted with the belief that flight is possible to man. My disease
    has increased in severity and I feel that it will soon cost me an increased amount of money if
    not my life. I have been trying to arrange my affairs in such a way that I can devote my entire
    time for a few months to experiment in this field.
  • Focus

    In this year the Wright brothers increased their focus. They were trying to fix the problem of lifting so they increased the chamber of the 1901 glider. They also did some more work on the glider.
  • Research

    In this research they gave it 32ft wings and they added verticle tails to counteract with the adverse jaw. Also the pilot moved a hip cradle to warp the wings.
  • First

    The Wrights brothers have the first controlled and sustained flight at Kitty Hawk.
  • Dayton

    Orville and Wilbur Wright develop an airplane near Dayton.
  • Demonstration

    The Wright brothers demonstrate a two passenger airplane in America and in Europe.
  • Manufacture

    Wilbur and Orville Wright begin to manufacture airplanes.
  • Wilbur Wright's death

    Wilbur Wright's death
    Wilbur Wright dies on May 30th of 1912. He was 45 years old. First he was feeling sick on a trip to Boston in April of 1912, he was later diagnosed with Typhoid fever and later died.