The Young Turks

  • Period: to

    The Armenian Genocide

    The Young Turks term of power during the Armenian Genocide.
  • The Young Turks rise to power

    The Young Turks rise to power
    A new political movement called The Young Turks overthrows Sultan Abdul Hamid.
  • The CUP starts to split

    The CUP starts to split
    Liberal and pro-decentralization young turks went and formes an opposition party to the CUP.
  • The Ottoman Empire enters WWI

    The Ottoman Empire enters WWI
    The Ottoman Empire led by the Young Turks enters WWI on the side of the central powers.
  • The resigantion of the CUP

    The resigantion of the CUP
    Talaat Pasha and the CUP resign at the end of WWI
  • The Young Turks flee

    The Young Turks flee
    Enver, Talaat and Djemal flee from Instabul and into exile