
Theorists of Constructivism

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    Theory of Experiental Learning by John Dewey

    Characterised by interaction and continuity that encourages hands-on activities and projects. Enables creativity
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    Theory of Social Development by Lev Vygotsky

    Encourages small teams and groups online and face to face.
    People learn from each other. Zone of proximal development.
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    Theory of Genetic Epistemology by Jean Paiget

    Abstract thinking, by stages, age 12-15.
    Child develops mentally and emotionally through experiences at those stages/ages.
    Requires an active use of time for processing.
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    Theory of Constructive learning by Jeromw Bruner

    Problem based learning and experimenting. Promotes discovery.
    Encourages relationships with learners.
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    Theory of Social Learning by Albert Bandura

    Learn by observing other either face to face or online, eg, by using case studies. Promotes belief in oneself to take appropriate actions. Enhances cognitive growth.
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    Theory of Situated Learning by Jean Lave

    Learning areas must have a domain, either learning in a community that consists of a classroom or learning online.
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    Theory of Cognitive Apprenticeship by John Seely Brown

    Promotes hands on work and problem solving. Having the concept of a collective social mind, promotes collaborative work.
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    Theory of Schema by Roger Schank

    Using scripts, plans, mental models to describe knowledge structure.
    This type of learning promotes combining learning by doing experiences with monitoring.
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    Theory of Mindful Learning by Ellen Langer

    This type of learning requires mindful engagement with content.
    Being aware there is more than one perspective on all things. Promotes argues for thoughtful reflections.
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    Theory of Emotional Intellegance by Danile Goleman

    An ability that can be learnt, eg. motivational skills, self-awareness, self-regulation.
    The ability to perceive and regulate emotions in self and others.
    Argues include dimensions of feeling and attitude in learning situations.
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    Theory of Expert Performance by K.Anders Erricsson

    Investing in a number of hours to perfect performance.
    This type of learning suggests use of examples with evaluative activities.
    Expert performance is more about reflection, visualisation and evaluation of your performance.