
theory of evolution

By kali666
  • Jan 1, 1001

    Anaximander 520 BCE

    Anaximander 520 BCE
    -he was a greek philosopher.
    -he wrote a book called "on nature":
    -this book introduced the idea of evolution.
    -they said that life started as slime in the oceans and eventually moved to drier places.
    -species developed and changed over time.
  • Jan 2, 1001

    Xenophanes 500BCE

    Xenophanes 500BCE
    -he was greek
    -he used poetry to critisize peoples vews
    -it is said he was exciled for his beliefs
    -he studied fossils and put forth various theories on the evolution of life
  • Jan 3, 1001

    Aristotle 350 BCE

    Aristotle 350 BCE
    -he was greek
    -believed all things were imperfect
    -created a modle of epigenetic evolution
  • John ray

    John ray
    -wrote a book
    -described 18,600 types of plants
    -gave the first definition of species based upon common descent
    -english naturalist
    -he was very interested with plants
  • Carolus Linnaeus

    Carolus Linnaeus
    -sweetish naturalist
    -wrote the book "systema naturae" that classified all organisms
    -these classifications are used today still
    -believed god hybridized animals to make new ones
  • Comte de Buffon

    Comte de Buffon
    -french naturalist
    -developed our definition of a species
    -organisms are made by god
    -believed man kind was the most important creation of god
    -thought that the environment was the direct agent of change
  • Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis

    Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis
    -wrote a book called "Systeme de la Nature" and "Essai de Cosmologie" about survival of the fittest
    -thought that speciation took place by chance not by spontainiouse generation
  • Erasmus Darwin

    Erasmus Darwin
    -english physician, poet, and naturalist
    -wrote the book "zoonomia"
    -believed in common ancestors
    -had no facts to support his theorys
    -Charles Darwin's grandfather
  • Georges Cuvier

    Georges Cuvier
    -french naturalist
    -confirmed that species can be extinct
    -developed a classification system for animals that is still in use today (vertebrates, articulates, molluscs and radiates).
    -did not believe in evolution of any kind
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
    -wrote the book "Philosophie Zoologique"
    -believed in evolution
    -he thought that species evolved to reach perfection
    -did not believe in extinction
    -believed that the more often an animal used a structure the more it would grow, and vice versa.
    -inheritant characteristics were passed down
  • Thomas Robert Malthus

    Thomas Robert Malthus
    -was an english scholar
    -believed that sooner or later desease or famine would bring populations into cheak
    -did not believe that life forms could become perfect
    -wrote "An essay on the principle of population"
  • Charles Lyell

    Charles Lyell
    -believed that geological processes happend at the same rate as today (so no valcanoes or asteroids are different than that of todays in intensity)
    -didnt believe in catastrophism
    -made the theory of gradualism
    -wrote the book "principles of geology" in 1830-1833
    -earth must be very old
    -provided some evidence for his theory
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    -idea of natural selection
    -was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England on 12 February 1809
    -th beagles voyage started on 27 December 1831
    -during this 5 years he studied many coasts and islands
    -he collected specimens for expert appraisal
    -he found major fossil descoverys in Patagonia and found lots of animals in the galapogose island
    -after this he spent 20 years writing his book
    -Wallace sent word to him about the same discoverys
    -this urged him to publish the book
    -he died april 19th 1882
  • Alfred Russel Wallace

    Alfred Russel Wallace
    -did field work in the Amazon River basin and then in the Malay Archipelago.
    -came up with the concept of how natural selection could contribute to speciation by encouraging the development of barriers against hybridization
    -co-discovered natural selection