Mlk dream

This Light of Ours

  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    [law]( Supreme court ruled that he constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities. It said that it had to be "separate but equal". This event is important because it set up the next 68 years in descrimintion towards the black race lyinching and extreme segregation in public places.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    [uscourts]( Supreme court rule out that all school must desegragate.This is important because once supreme court rules out something it automatically becomes a law.
  • Murder of Emmett Till

    Murder of Emmett Till
    [pbs]( goes to the the store to buy some refreshmens. When he was walking out some white boys blame him for whisled at a white girl. Her husband and half brother beat him, shot him in the head and then throw his body into the river. About three days later his body was found decomposing. This is important because even after they prove they were guilty, this men were declare innocent, and it shows the superiority that the white people had ove the black.
  • Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    [ushistory]( After a long day of work Rosa rode the bus on the white section, she rufuse to sit in the black like she was ordered, she got fined $10 and she was arrested. The Women's Political Council issued a leaflet calling for a boycott of Montgomery buses, it said don't ride the bus to work, to town, to school, or any place Monday, December 5. This event was important because the buses were losing profit, a change was asked to take action.
  • Founding of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) & Martin Luther King

    [Blackpsat]( Southern leaders Christian leader conferences when sixty black ministers and civil rights leaders met in Georgia. To descuss the to replicate the successful strategy and tactics of the recently concluded Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott. This event is important because it supported civil disobedience.
  • Little Rock Nine & Central High School

    [history]( Nine black students enrolled at formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Arkansas called in the state National Guard to bar the black students’ entry into the school. This event is importnt becuse it test the landmark 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional.
  • Greensboro Sit-In

    [north]( Four student from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University sat at a white-only lunch counter inside a Greensboro. They were asked to moved but, they refuse, outrge the white people attacked the four students, and beat them, the students were arrested for causing the dispute. This event is important because it demonstrates the hatred of white people towars black .
  • Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders

    [core]( Seven blacks and six whites left Washington, D.C., on two public buses bound for the Deep South. They intended to test the Supreme Court's ruling in Boynton v. Virginia 1960, which declared segregation in interstate bus and rail stations unconstitutional. This event is important becuse it describes that sagregation was illigal.
  • March of Washington

    urdocuments Martin Luther King Jr delivered his historic speech in which he encorage people to put an end to racism. I have a dream speech stated that he does not want his four children getting judge by their color, but by their character. This event was important because it open people's mind and made thenm think, also because white people join the March to Washington.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Freedom Summer

    [core]( men from the North escended on Mississippi and other Southern states to try to end the long-time political disenfranchisemen of the balck race. The white people would make the black people take a complicated literacy test in order for them to vote. This event is important becuse not all black men could pass the test, therefore they could not vote nd it was violating thei 15th amentmeent.
  • Civil Rights Act (1964)

    [ourdocuments]( JFK took action to secure equal tratment for every Americn no matter the race. He propose for congress to allow the voting rights, school desegregation and nondescrimination toward others. This event is really important because everyone got what they wanted and could finally not get judge on theri race or color.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    [noi]( Malcom was assassinated at the age of 39, by three of his members of the Nation of Islam. He was shot 15 times at about point blank range. This event is important because it demonstrates that the religion was very strict.
  • Voting Rights Act (1965)

    [our]( This act to enforce the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution was signed into law 95 years after the amendment was ratified. Also the black people could vote without a litteracy test. This event is important because black people finlly could vote.
  • Assassination of MLK

    [king]( Martin Luther King Jr, was shot while standinding on a balcony of his second floor. His assissanation caused major outbreaks of racial violance. This event is important because it shows the racesism and hatred towards the black race.