Time toast smart goal

  • Smart goal letter s

    My goal is to in 5 years go into the military and serve for 4 years and to save up $20,000 and achive and asscociates degree so that way i can start a career in law enforcement. ill need $20,000 at least to achieve a steady place to live and get my asscociates degree in law enforcement
  • Letter M measureable

    my goal is measureable i need to save a minimum 4 thousand dollars a year to achieve my goal college will cost around $5000 each year for my associates degree whcih will take 2 yeras to achive and should be largely be paid for by the miltary and to find a steady place to live it'll cost me about 500 a month for and apartment
  • letter attainable

    My goal is attainable in many ways i can save the money in the amount of time to achieve my goal and i can take college classes in the military and achieve my goal a little quicker plus the military expereience will give me a edge in my career field
  • letter R realistic

    My goal is realistic im gonna need to put half of my regular pay checks in the bank and also view the miltary options when it comes to college classes and see what credits will transfer when i get out of the military
  • Letter T timeline

    Year one save 4 grand and complete basic training yera 2 save another 4 grand and look into college classes thta are paid for by the miltary that are realevent to your career year 3 save another 3 grand complete some college classes year 4 save another 4 grand complete college classes year 5 save 4 grand begin college classes to finish my asscociates degree look for a job as a patrol officer for a police department