Charles darwin

Charles Darwin 1809-1882

  • Theory of Natural Selection

    Theory of Natural Selection
    After traveling all over, Darwin realized that a popular reading by Malthus about the growth of a population versus food can be directly applied to nature. A species will have a multitude of characteristics, of which, the characteristics that are most suited the current environment will be passed onto the next generation. Along with Alfred Russel Wallace, they were credited for their work by the Linnean Society of London in 1858.
  • The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs

    The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs
    In Charles Darwin’s early days exploring and researching while on the Beagle, many ships were wrecking unexpectedly into reefs. He decided to make barnacles/reefs one of his areas of research. One of the major things he discovered in his studies was the creation of an Atoll. Darwin believed that Atolls were the product of decaying reefs. Darwin's theory was proven in the 1950s when scientists “bored through an atoll in the Pacific Ocean and found volcanic rocks underlying the coral” (Dunning).
  • On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

    Darwin's years of traveling and studying all came together in this work. Years after his journey, specifically through the Galapagos Islands, he noticed the multiple variations of the same animals (especially tortoises, land/sea iguanas, and finches) throughout the islands. He noticed the animals mutated in ways that made them more adept to their particular environment. This work shifted in the paradigm and overall religious thought process.
  • Plant Studies

    With two earlier books on his founding's, Darwin came to the same conclusion that he had with animal species about how plants evolve and adapt overtime to overcome their environment. One of the newest thoughts he introduced through experiments was plants would bend towards light in a dark room as well as that the tip of the plant is what finds the light (heliotropism). []