My history

  • A Queen

    I was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  • Hello Miami!

    I moved to Miami when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I wouldn't stop crying because I only came with my dad.
  • Period: to

    Lived with my grandmother & aunts

  • Moved in with my Dad and Stepmom

  • Period: to

    6th Grade

    In 6th grade I went to a school with mostly white people and I didn't really feel comfortable because whenever I would try to be friends with them, they made me feel unwanted.
  • First time going on a cruise

  • Shots fired at Bayside

    Nothing serious happened, but my family and I no longer go to bayside.
  • Started cutting

  • Period: to

    Became depressed

  • Found out I was bisexual

  • New York, New York

  • Stopped cutting

  • Political

    I feel as politics can cause stress to some people. To me, politics made me feel a bit stressed because of how our president handle things and I can't stand it.
  • Historical

    History keeps repeating itself and it's honestly too much to take in. Some things I didn't learn in school are now coming out and it just makes me wonder why we still go. Most whites who are privileged and ignorant, see us as "thugs" and other racial things. The protesting that was going on had such an affect on me because of what the police were doing and how some things weren't really changing.
  • Economics

    Right now I feel as our president should worry more about our people than the economics. If we were told to stay home for at least 2 weeks and go back out to the world then maybe everything would be fine with economics and the virus.
  • Social

    My social skills has improved this summer because I've joined programs that require me to speak and really be myself. Social media on the other hand had to be deleted a few times because of the things that were being posted. Some of those things became stressful and it was a lot to take in for me so I had mini panic attacks a few times.
  • Spiritual

    My best friend is a spiritual person, basically he practices spirituality, and he would tell me and educate me on certain things about the spiritual body and I feel like I see things differently and the fact that Voodoo and Voudou are seen as bad things to most people but he made me realize how it's mostly used as a good thing. Me spiritually though, I'm manifesting a good life for myself. I posted the other day "I'm finally happy and wealthy," basically speaking those two things into existence.
  • Finally went fully natural