My Life

By ayejam1
  • Born

    I was born on April 29th, 2001 in Skokie Illinois.
  • Moved

    When I was around three Me and my family moved to Dubai for a while then moved back to Illinois.
  • Volunteer

    On December 1st I started volunteering consistently at a pet shelter for cats and to raise money for all the animals.
  • Goals

    This year I want to try getting better grades and volunteering more often, and participating in more clubs. I Also want to focus more on my art.
  • After Highschool

    After Highschool
    After I graduate high school I will hopefully going to a good college and medical school.
  • Car

    By 2022 I will probably have been driving for more then four years. I just want to drive a simple small car.
  • Place in 2022

    Place in 2022
    I will still be in college, the colleges I want to be in are in Illinois therefore I will probably still be staying wherever my family is.
  • Job (2027)

    Job (2027)
    I am interested in science and will most probably be almost done with medical school in 2027 because it takes a long time.
  • 2027 Home

    2027 Home
    I will still be focusing on medical school and getting a job at this time so I am not sure if I will have a family but probably my own home.