Timeline and Reflection

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    The status for the Aboriginal woman is getting better as they get the rights to do more in life is a big impact.
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    The Mohawk was getting there title stripped of the land they owned from the government and violence did occurred in the process.
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    Someone from the Cree getting turned down for there rights because of that the constitution wasn't signed by Quebec.
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    Someone from the Aboriginal getting killed through a protest for land leaves a scar on non-Aboriginal and which led to getting the land back.
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    Seeing the Aboriginal and non-aboriginal coming together to create an alliance is progress and will change the future.
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    The Nisga'a signing a treaty with the government and gaining land in the process does make a turning point for the Indigenous.
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    Nunavut becoming a province is mostly a turning point for Canada not that much to the Indigenous.
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    Aboriginal fighting to get there land back that was taken long time ago didn't really do anything for them. The government left the land remain unclaimed.
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    A child from the Indigenous trying to make a change for her school which she was turn down of course and led to the school to go through bad conditions.
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    The Aboriginal gain there human rights that was approve by Canada which is a big impact for them.
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    This group is very positive and I thinks movement can change the future and create happiness for many Aboriginals.This is the most representative for the Indigenous people.
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    Schools trying to remove only Aboriginal children can change the future for these children as they won't get there education. This is the least representative for the Indigenous people