Timeline From Prenatal to Death of Shelby Waggoner

  • Beginning the germinal period

    14 days after conception. I am dividing my cells very fastly and differentiating them as well.
  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development and Birth

  • Beginning the embryonic period.

    The third through the eighth week after conception. I am about 3 millimeters long, and will be about one inch long by week eight. I am forming my heart, backbone, skin, eyes, nose, and digestive system in this period.
  • Beginning the fetal period.

    I am about the size of my mom's thumb, and I will be 21 inches when born. I am identified as a girl at three months, and I just keep growing big.
  • I'm Born!

    Born at 1:52 AM, 21 inches long, and 7.5 pounds. Happy Birthday to me!
  • Period: to

    The First Two Years

  • First Word! (Cognitive Development)_

    My first word was "hi."
  • First Steps (Biosocial development)

    This is the first time that I started to learn how to walk and succeeded.
  • Begin potty training! (Psychosocial development)

    This was a challenging part of my life, because for a long time I had a bed-wetting problem.
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood

  • Begin pre-school (Cognitive development)

    This is when I learned how to make friends, share, and play along with others. I also learned important things like colors.
  • Start Soccer! (Biosocial development)

    With my dad as a coach, I became his little tom-boy soccer player with a go-getting attitude.
  • Threw away my pacifier (Psychosocial Development)

    I was attached to my pacifiers very strongly, and my mom made a big deal about throwing them away on my fourth birthday. It was more of a celebration moment that I got to do on my birthday, even though I was emotionally attached to them.
  • Begin Kindergarden (Cognitive development)

    This is also where I learned the alphabet, numbers, how to write and all the basics of learning as a young child.
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

  • Started running with my parents (Biosocial development)

    My partents are into running and working out, and they helped my understand the importance of it as a young age by going on three mile runs with them.
  • First crush on a boy (Psychosocial development)

    This boy was my best friend, and it wasn't till later that I realized it was my first crush!
  • Started Travel (Elite) soccer (Biosocial Development)

    Going from AYSO easy non-competitive league to this travel team was where I learned how to be competitive, and it was also a lot more stress on my body.
  • Third place in 5th grade spelling bee (Cognitive development)

    I lost to the word, "helicopter"
  • Period: to


  • Started my period (Biosocial development)

    As one of the last of friends to start it, I was well aware of what it was, and was also embarressed when my dad told me that my body was transforming into a women.
  • Fell in love for the first time (Psychosocial development)

    This was the first boy to say "I love you" to me and for me to say it back, which meant we really did love each other at the time, which I think is very funny now.
  • Started college studying (Cognitive development)

    The amount of studying was very shocking compared to high school.
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • First break up out of love (psychosocial development)

    A lot of tears were spent over this, and many lessons were learned about allowing my heart to get that many feelings towards someone again.
  • Half marathon training (Biosocial development)

    This was a high stress training routine that was placed on my body.
  • Accepted into the athletic training program (Cognitive development)

    Classes became much harder, and started clinicals thirty hours per week. Time management, and stress became an issue.
  • Period: to


  • Studying Physical Therapy in Graduate School (cognitive development)

    I don't know completely yet what this will be like, but I'm asuming that it will also be much harder then undergraduate school.
  • Run My First Marathon! (Biosocial development)

    This is my goal before I turn 30 years old.
  • Getting Married (psychosocial developmet)

    Finding the correct guy, and going through this emotional stage of my life will be a big part of psychosocial learning.
  • Begin my career! (cognitive development)

    Working at a sports clinic as an Athletic trainer and a physical therapist!!
  • Have First Child (psychosocial, biosocial development)

    The love for my child will be psychosocial, and the changes in my body with this will be the biosocial part.
  • Noice the Beggining of Menopause (biosocial, phychosocial)

    Changes in my body structures, and cycles will be biosocial, and my mood changes will be phychosocial.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

  • Retire From Job (cognitive development)

    Going from busy all of the time to all of a sudden not busy will be a challenge for my brain I do think.
  • Diagnosed with osteoarthritis (biosocial development)

    The changes in my bone density will prevent me from some every day activities.
  • Husband dies :( (psychosocial development)

    emotionally challenging.
  • My death, no cause, in sleep

    I thought this was the most peaceful way to die, and I hope that it does happen peaceful like this!!!