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Timeline of Louis XIV

  • Louis XIV's Birth

    He was born in , Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France by Anne of Anne of Austria.
  • Begining of Lous's Reign

    Begining of Lous's Reign
    Took the kingdom at age 4 kafter his father's death and he started to be as the Sun King. But with the true ruler being Cardinal Marzarin.
  • Cardinal Mazarin Ruling

    Cardinal Mazarin Ruling
    When he was ruling for Louis XIV he increased taxes and strengthned the central goverement that tore France apart and threaten the young king's life.
  • Louis Weakens Noble's Authority

    Louis Weakens Noble's Authority
    After Mazarin's death he took over the goverment himself and later announced a policy that slowed economic progress. it made artisans and buiness people fled the country.
  • France's Expansion

    France's Expansion
    He successfully invaded Spanish Netherlands and gained 12 towns by opening and flooding the country side of the Spanish and with the war ending in 1678 with the treaty of NIjmegen.
  • Louis Controls the nobility

    Louis Controls the nobility
    He ended up spending a fortune to surround himself in luxary to have nerly 500 cooks, waiters,and servants work to satisfy his every meal. He also force 36,000 laborers and 6,00 horses to work on the versailles which cost about 2.5 million today.
  • The fall of Louis XIV

    The fall of Louis XIV
    When he wanted more land, his luck started to run out. He lost the War "Spanish Succssion" because he spent to much money to go into debt with his enemies teaming up and having a more powerful advatage of defeating Louis's army. A year later he died of gangrene.