Timeline of Narcissa and Charlie

  • Fundraiser

    Charlie and Narcissa meet at a Fundraiser to raise money for the continued research into a cure for Dragon Pox.
  • Period: to

    Weekend in Wales

    First weekend together. Charlie takes Narcissa to the Welsh Dragon Reservation.
  • Period: to

    Weekend at Malfoy Manor

  • Period: to

    Astraea Weasley

    Narcissa pregnant with Astraea Weasley.
  • Christmas

    Charlie sneaks away from a family gathering to give Narcissa her Christmas present.
  • Masquerade

    Charlie is secretly invited to the Malfoy New Year's Ball, just so he can kiss Narcissa at midnight.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 4

    The ball of cells -- now called an embryo -- growing inside your uterus is the size of an apple seed. It's divided into three layers that will later form organs and tissues. Low on the sides of the head are two folds of tissue that will become the ears.
  • Period: to

    Polyjuice Weekend

    As an experiment, Charlie and Narcissa take polyjuice potion to become each other.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 7

    You're in the throes of the first trimester, when many women complain of common pregnancy aches and pains. Keeping food down may be next to impossible, thanks to morning sickness, caused in part by the pregnancy hormones in your body. You may also need to urinate a lot more often than usual -- your growing uterus is pressing on your bladder, and hormones are affecting the balance of fluid in your body. All will diminish as your pregnancy continues.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 8

    Your pregnancy is changing your figure as well. Your breasts may have grown large enough that you'll need bigger bras with better support than your old ones. You may notice your waistline expanding as well.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 9

    By the tenth week of pregnancy, you may find yourself riding pregnancy's emotional roller coaster, feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Disturbing as this is to some women who pride themselves on being in control, what you're going through is normal and will probably continue throughout your pregnancy. Up-and-down emotions are partly caused by your changing hormones.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 10

    Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. With the help of a doppler, a hand-held soundwave stethoscope, you can hear the fetus's rapid heartbeat -- one expectant mother likened it to the sound of tiny horses galloping.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 11

    Astraea's Development: Week 11
    A dark vertical line of pigmentation, called the linea nigra, may appear on your abdomen. Your uterus has risen above your pelvic bones and your midwife can now feel it during an external examination.
    If you are having a nuchal translucency test, you may see the first images of your baby in the next few weeks.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 12

    As you enter the second trimester, you may find yourself donning looser, less restrictive clothing. Soon you won't be able to fit into your regular clothes any more. You may now find that once the "sickness" feeling has passed, your appetite returns.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 13

    The fog may be lifting, so to speak. For many women, the side effects of early pregnancy -- frequent urination, intense fatigue, nausea -- diminish sometime in the second trimester.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 15

    You may be able to find out the gender of your baby. Most mums-to-be discern movement (called quickening) between 16 and 20 weeks. If you've been pregnant before, you'll feel things earlier rather than later.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 16

    Sometimes, when you move suddenly, you may a feel a slight pain in your sides. Ligaments on each side of your uterus and pelvic walls are stretching as your baby grows. It's normal to feel some pain, but if it continues for a few days or escalates, talk to your midwife.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 19

    You no doubt feel the kicking and somersaulting of your growing baby. At times, she may be so mobile that you can't sleep. The next ten weeks or so will be your baby's busiest and most active time, until the womb gets too crowded.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 21

    Your baby can now hear your conversations. If you talk, read, or sing to your baby, expect her to hear you. Some studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in utero. If you want to try, pick a book now and read it out loud. Make sure you won't mind reading it over and over once the baby is here. It may be your baby's favourite bedtime story for a long time after birth.
  • Astraea's Development: Week 27

    Since your uterus is now up near your rib cage, you may now find yourself short of breath if you haven't already. Starting now and continuing through the last three months of pregnancy, you may be plagued by leg cramps, haemorrhoids, varicose veins and an itchy abdomen.
  • Astraea Weasley (born)

    Born in Romania to Charlie Wealsey and Narcissa Malfoy.
  • Astraea's Development: First Smile

  • Draco turns 21

  • Astraea's Development: First Word

  • Astraea's Development: Walking

    (19 Months)
  • Charlie turns 30

  • Period: to

    Leolin Weasley

    Narcissa pregnant with Leolin Weasley.
  • Leolin Weasley (born)

    Born in Romania to Charlie Wealsey and Narcissa Malfoy.
  • Leolin's Development: First Smile

  • Leolin's Development: Walking

    (Just under 12 Months)
  • Leolin's Development: First Word

    (Almost two years old)
  • Narcissa turns 50

  • Astraea attends Hogwarts

    (along with Victoire Weasley)
  • Leolin attends Hogwarts

    (possibly along with James Potter II)