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Timeline of "The Great War"

  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
    <a href='' > Gavrilo Princip killed Sophie and Franz Ferdinand to start war. The day of June. 28, 1914 Franz and his wife Sophie were killed by a man named Gavrilo. Serbian people were being terrorists and attempted to attack Franz with a bomb but missed. Franz wanted to see the people affected by the bomb and was assasinated on the way there. The assasination sparked WWI.
  • Trenches lead to Foot Infections

    Trenches lead to Foot Infections
    After a year of fighting and digging trenches it takes a turn for the worst. Fighting in the rain and snow caused the ground to be cold and wet for the soldiers. The soldier's feet become moist and got infected to were they lost feeling and turned blue. Http://
  • Russia Mobilizes

    Russia Mobilizes
    Russia makes thw wars start become real. On the 29th of July in 1914 Russia sees that countries aren’t fighting yet so they start to mobilize. All the other nations get worried and start to actually get ready for the cause that will be brought to them. Russia made the wars become a real thing not just a threat.
  • Go To War Already

    Go To War Already
    Join The WarWhy didn’t we join the war yet? A German Submarine Sinks the ship Lusitania and kills 1,198 people, with 128 of them American. Germans kill 128 Americans and we don’t fight them over the loss of our people? It blows my mind.
  • War of Verdun

    War of Verdun
    The War of Verdun was the longest war in WW1. The battle was estimated to have one million casualties. The battle was between Germany and France but Germany had 140,000 while France only had 30,00 to start with.
  • Doyen begins His army Days

    Doyen begins His army Days
    Letters back homeDoyen Parsons Wardell creates an application for the R.O.T.C at Fort Benjamin Harrison. This is where Doyen began his army career,soon to start his fight in WW1. Doyen had joined the air force even though they didn’t fight in the air yet, he wanted to fight for the U.S.
  • Decleration Of War

    Decleration Of War
    U.S Joins the war I enjoy this part because U.S. joins the war because of a fear that Germany wanting to be allies with Mexico. The president Wilson purposed a declaration to congress to declare war on Germany and it’s approved. U.S. Is now a part of the war after 3 years of not participating!
  • Doyen gases too NY

    Doyen gases too NY
    Letters Going back homeSeptember 27-29, 1917
    Doyen’s base receives a telegraph and he's on the list to be stationed in NY. He missed his wife and began to get homesick but he had to do his job. He arrives in NY and they don't have any orders for him yet, so he tours the Statue of Liberty and goes to the new air base on Long Island.
  • Going To France

    Going To France
    Doyen gets orders to leave at 12 am and head to France. He will arrive at 11 am at Bordeaux and will leave for Aircushion at 130 pm. All of this is the U.S getting ready for constant fights with Germany. Http://
  • The Draft

    The Draft
    The day the selective service act was passed so the U.S. could start drafting men for WW1. This law was passed to help the allied countries because their troops were tired from the war. Men from ages 21 to 30 were required to sign up for service in the military.
  • WW1 Dog Named Stubby

    WW1 Dog Named Stubby
    The famous dog of WW1 was Sargent Stubby he was named after his short tail by Private J. Robert Conroy. Stubby was a mascot for the soldiers and became a joy to the soldiers with his salute. After being exposed to gas he would bark during gas attacks to tell the soldiers to watch out and caught a German spy mapping the trenchers.
  • The loss of the fellow soldier

    The loss of the fellow soldier
    Doyen comes back after a flight over the war and talks about his loss. Doyen lost a fellow soldier and tells his beloved wife that he saw his plane light in flames and fall to the ground. He talks to his wife like he's used to seeing people die, just shows how the war changed them.
  • The Treaty To "End All Wars"

    The Treaty To  "End All Wars"
    peaced reachedGermany decides to surrender and give up fighting after losing millions of troops. Allied nations decided peace and create the treaty of Versailles and stop fighting. After losing millions of people, all nations drop arms.
  • Going Home

    Going Home
    Doyen is sent back home and practically losses his job due to the army not needing as many soldiers with the war being over. He moves to the mid west and starts a life with his wife again. His new job was in the oil business.
  • U.S Takes Money form Germany

    U.S Takes Money form Germany
    Due to peace requirements Germany has to pay the U.S. for going to war. Germany must take responsibility for attacking Belgium. We make Germany pay money to us because they made us join the war because they tried to be allies with Mexico not over that attack on Belgium.