Timeline of WWII

By Bellaj1
  • Coming of WWII

    Coming of WWII
    This marks the date in which Hitler joins the Nazi party and becomes the head leader; this creates tensions within Europe. Hitler disobeyed the Treaty of Versailles, and begins to militarize. Within his time in jail, Hitler writes Mein Kampf, a story of his life.
  • Germany

    Germany wanted to also obtain its former glory much like Italy - under the rule of Hitler. Hitler militarizes Germany, breaking the agreement in the Treaty of Versailles. Militarization spans over to the need for more territories: Liebenstraum "living space".
  • Italy

    In 1925, Mussolini decides to take power over Italy. Mussolini promises to revive Italy to its former glory through Fascism - this makes Italy a threat to world peace. Italy adopts anti-semitism through Mussolini's dictatorship. His goal was to spread Italy's empire into Africa.
  • Conflict in Pacific

    Conflict in Pacific
    This marks the date in which Japan invades Manchuria (China) as they are lacking in natural resources for the progression of their country. The United States decided to have no reaction and remain passifist during these times.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    1933 signals building of Dachau, the first concentration camp, that is the basis for many more camps and practices in the future. Jews were prosecuted and sent to these camps to work - if they were unable to work, then they were killed. "Work Will Make You Free".
  • WWII

    Known as the most devestating war EVER - more than 6,000,000 Jews died in Europe, and 70 nations took part in the war. This marked the beginning of a nuclear age - and those not partaking in parts of the war were considered "un-American".