Titanic timeline

  • wreck of the titan

    An american writer wrote a book called wreck of the titan. the book described what happen to the titan.And what later happen to the Titanic.
  • cast off

    cast off
    on wednsday the Titanic cast off onto the sea
  • The hull

     The hull
    the hull of the titanic aws launched at the hartland &Woll shipyards in belfast irland before a cheering crowd of 100,000
  • divided into classes

    people were divided into social classes according to backround,
    wealth ,and ,education.
  • excused

    Around 9:00 the captain excused him self from dinner and went up to the bridge..
  • well down

    well down
    The bow was well down and the people were noticing the slant of the ship.
  • passengers

    titanics passengers began to arrive in Southhamton for the trip to Newtork.
  • waiting

    The captain and his felow lookout were waiting to be relieved so they could head below perhaps for a hot drink before hopping into their warm bunks.
  • The plans

    two men began making plans to build the real a Titanic ship!
  • ice bergs

    at 7:30 three more ice berg warning were reported by the called Californian.
  • life boats

    The captain gave orders to to start loading life boats
  • life boats

    the captain gave orders to start loading life boats
  • first life boat

     first life boat
    The first life boat was lowered.