To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 3

  • Scout's Fight

    Scout's Fight
    Scout was fighting Walter Cunningham because he was the reason she got in trouble. Jem saw Scout and told her to stop and invited Walter to eat lunch at there house. Jem to Walter Scout wouldn't fight him anymore.
  • Scout returns to school

    Scout returns to school
    Scout went to school and Miss Caroline screamed "It's alive" and pointed to someone Scout didn't know. Little Chuck thought it was an mouse and tried to can catch it but she was taking about cooties on Burris Ewell. She excused him so he can wash his hair
  • Walter Eats Lunch

    Walter Eats Lunch
    Walter piles food on his plate while, him and Atticus talks. Walter asks if they have molasses and pours it all over his plate with a generous hand. Scout was confused why Walter did that and ask but Calpurnia called her. She was furious and told her that some people don't have food like them and that Walter was her company so she let him do whatever he wants.
  • No More Reading

    No More Reading
    Scout was upset because Miss Caroline said she cant read no more. She told Atticus and he said they will make a compromise. They can keep reading just like they always do but she has to keep going to school