Today's topic: US Becoming a World Power 1890s-1914

  • 1890

    The United States completes the transcontinental railroad, greatly enhancing economic and military connectivity across the nation.
  • 1893

    The World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago showcases the technological and industrial might of the United States to a global audience
  • 1895

    The US Navy acquires its first modern battleship, USS Maine, reflecting a growing naval ambition.
  • 1898

    The Spanish-American War erupts, with the US victorious in a short conflict that expands its territorial holdings to include Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
  • 1899

    The United States annexes the Samoan Islands, further extending its Pacific influence.
  • 1900

    The Open Door Policy is announced, asserting the US's commitment to equal trade opportunities in China, marking the beginning of its engagement in Asia-Pacific affairs.
  • 1901

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes President of the United States, advocating for a strong foreign policy and naval expansion.
  • 1903

    The Wright brothers achieve the first powered, controlled flight, marking a significant milestone in aviation that later contributes to US military superiority.
  • 1904

    The US Navy launches its first all-steel battleship, USS South Carolina, reflecting advances in naval technology.
  • 1905

    The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine is announced, asserting the US's right to intervene in Latin American affairs to maintain stability and prevent European intervention.
  • 1906

    The US acquires the Danish West Indies (later renamed the US Virgin Islands) as a strategic naval base in the Caribbean.
  • 1907

    The US intervenes in the Nicaraguan civil war to protect its interests in the region, establishing a precedent for future military interventions.
  • 1912

    The US Navy commissions its first aircraft carrier, USS Langley, converting a collier ship into an aircraft-carrying vessel, laying the foundation for future naval aviation.
  • 1913

    Woodrow Wilson becomes President of the United States, emphasizing international cooperation and diplomacy in foreign affairs.
  • 1914

    The outbreak of World War I sees the United States initially adopt a neutral stance, but its industrial might and economic output have a significant impact on the global war effort, supplying weapons and resources to the Allies.