Toddler Timeline

  • Birth

  • 12-15

    Physical dev:Has improved grasping skills,May climb stairs on hands and knees,Crawls foward or backward with varying speed,Tries to turn doornobs,And may stand erect with slight support.
    Cognitive:Loves to mimic all actions, 4-6 word vocabulary,Recognize names of body parts, Has a very short memory,Points to familiar toys,Waves "bye bye" to people or objects.
  • 16-18 Months

    16-18 Months
    Physical development: Stand on either foot with support, Walks fast and runs swiftly,Pushes and pull large toys, Likes to grab anything and everthing, Adds hand gestures to spoken languages.
    Cognitive development:Vocabulary increases to ten words, Says no often more than other words,Enjoys working with shapes on form board, Respond delightedly to children t.v shows, Identifies simple pictures.
  • 19-21 Months

    19-21 Months
    Physical development: Holds 2 objects in hands easily, Builds tower out of 5 or 6 blocks, Can fold a peice of paper. can kick a large ball, Loves to run jump and climb.
    Cognitive development: Has a vocabulary of 20 words, Enjoys hearing nusery ryhmes, Makes animal noises, Can remeber similar objects, completes 2-3 peice puizzle
  • 22-24 Months

    22-24 Months
    Physical development:Walks sideways and backward, Throws ball over head insteads of tossing, Likes to play with modeling clay,Holds crayon with thumb and finger, Snips paper wtih scissors.
    Cognitive development: 50 word vocabulary, Follows simple directions, Answers simple questions, Recognize upside down pictures, Ask for food when hungry
  • 24-30

    Physical development:Run without falling,Remove lids by turning wrist, They are able to scribble,They are able to string beads, And can climb on a riding toy.
    Cognitive development:Pretend play with others,Can solve problems by trail and error,Show an increased attention span,Becomes aware of numbers when spoken,Understand that things are diffrent shape and sizes.
  • 30-36 Months

    30-36 Months
    Physical development:Can turn pages of a book without ripping them,Can hold pencil with fingers instead of fist, Can poor liquid from one container to another,Can understand basic saftey rules,Can skip and gallop backwards.
    Conitive development:Counts 3 objects,Enjoys creative movement,Acts out thoughts and ideas,Match and sort similar objects,Understands several prepostion.