Toddler banana

Toddler Timeline

  • Baby is born

    Baby is born
  • Physical, 13-15 months

    Physical, 13-15 months
    May stand up with slight support or may stand alone for a short period of time. They may try to turn doorknobs and have improved grasping skills.
  • Cognitive, 13-15 months

    Cognitive, 13-15 months
    They notice actions of other adults and children and love to mimic all actions. May attempt to imitate words others say, and responds to own name.
  • Physical, 16-18 months

    Physical, 16-18 months
    May be able to walk sideways and can stand on either foot with support. Likes to grab anything and everything.
  • Cognitive, 16-18 months

    Cognitive, 16-18 months
    Remembers where objects belong and begins to figure things out through thought process.
  • Physical, 19-21 months

    Physical, 19-21 months
    Runs without falling often and walks up and down stairs with help. They use one hand more than the other.
  • Cognitive, 19-21 months

    Cognitive, 19-21 months
    Likes to make marks on paper with a big crayon and is interested in tiny things such as bugs. Has a vocabulary of about 20 words and constantly asks "what's that?".
  • Physical, 22-24 months

    Physical, 22-24 months
    Walks with more coordination and assurance but lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running.Can put several blocks together to make a train or stack them to build a tower.
  • Cognitive, 22-24 months

    Cognitive, 22-24 months
    Becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves and is curious about objects in the environment. Asks for food when hungry and water when thirsty.
  • Physical, 24-30 months

    Physical, 24-30 months
    Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops and climbs everywhere indoors, even forbidden places. Can carefully turn pages of a book and likes to take jar lids off and screw them back on.
  • Cognitive, 24-30 months

    Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior and can follow two-step commands. Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period.
  • Cognitive, 30-36 months

    Cognitive, 30-36 months
    Begins to classify objects into general categories and can recognize self in photographs.Creates two-to-three word sentences and starts to use past tense and plurals.
  • Physical, 30-36 months

    Physical, 30-36 months
    Likes to be in constant motion and enjoys games involving running. Likes to point using full arm motions combined with finger motions and eats with a fork.