
Top 10 Steps Towards World War II

By 17jamem
  • America's Isolation and Absence of Involvement

    America's Isolation and Absence of Involvement
    Whilst at the Paris Peace Conference, Woodrow Wilson stated that the France, UK and Italy should be part of the League of Nations but America should not be part of it. This was a mistake because America at the time arguably had the biggest army and could make prevent Germany from starting a war. America didn't want to get involved in European affairs and it was isolated from Europe so HItler could invade countries and build his army without intervention.
  • Treaty of Versailles was signed

    Treaty of Versailles was signed
    After World War I, many of the allies, USA, UK and France attended the Paris Peace Conference. There, they signed the Treaty of Versailles. This meant that Germany had to give up land, reduce their army size, pay reparations to the UK and France and take blame for the war. These points punished, humiliated and put restrictions on Germany. This caused discontent in the German population and they seeked revenge against Europe.
  • The Nazi Party was formed

    The Nazi Party was formed
    The Nazi Party, or the National Socialist German Worker's party was formed with people who faught in World War and who believed in Hitlers ideals of nationalism and anticommunism. The Nazi Party was very significant because it started off as a small group who inspired the Germans and ended up in power. It was the Nazi Party that helped Hitler come to power and start WOrld War II
  • Rise of Fascism in Italy

    Rise of Fascism in Italy
    (UNSURE OF DAY) In 1919, Benito Mussolini, a World War I veteran, created the Fascist Party, a violent right-winged. organisation. 3 years later, Mussolini and the Fascist party marched on Rome and after King Emmanuel III gave the government to Mussolini, he became the new Prime Minister. This is significant because Italy, under the fascist ideology, inspired Germany to do the same.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    After the Wall Street Crash, the Great Depression hit the world like a storm. In almost every country, most people became unemployed and were desperately searching for employment. This is significant because in Germany, the general society lost faith in their government and turned to Hitler, who promised them glory, revenge and a job. The Nazis gained 43% of all votes at elections in 4 years.
  • Japanese Expansion

    Japanese Expansion
    Like the Germans, the Japanese were very militaristic and nationalistic. The Japanese wanted to expand their territory. Although they had many raw materials coming from the US, the japanese wanted more. They began to invade Manchuria and China in the same year, leading to the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 and another war a year later with the Soviet Union. The brutality and cruelty of the Japanese caused conflict with America and Australia.
  • Rise of Hitler

    Rise of Hitler
    (No day found) The leader of the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on this day. He was decorated war-veteran who had very nationalistic and militaristic motives. With this appointment, Hitler began secretly preparing an army, weapons, ships and planes. He made compulsory military service to build an army to get revenge on Europe.
  • Failure of the League of Nations

    Failure of the League of Nations
    (No specific day and month) The League of Nations is an international organisation (mainly in Europe) created to keep the peace. The problem with the League of Nations was that it didn't have all countries in it and it had no military power. From 1920, countries began invading each other and the League of Nations was unable to stop it. Hitler invaded the Rhinelands in 1936, and if the League of Nations did stop it, Hitler would be unable to carry out the rest of his plans
  • Failure of Appeasement

    Failure of Appeasement
    (Day not found) Appeasement is a policy that allowed the countries within the Munich Agreement to give in to Germany. The Prime Minister fof the UK felt bad about the treatment of Germany and felt that it was best to give in to Hitler's demands (to build an army) so that a war could be prevented. Unfortunately Hitler began invading more countries and building a larger army, effectively broke the agreement. Appeasement had been a failure since Germany became stronger and more prepared.
  • Germany attacks Poland

    Germany attacks Poland
    The beginning of World War II officially began when Germany attacked Poland with approximately 1.5 million troops cross the border. They bombed Polish airfields and attacked them with ships and planes. After numerous years of breaching treaties and agreements Britain and France, along with the countries in the British Empire, declare war on Germany.