Top 15 Educational History

By Mriskid
  • Education in the Colonial Period

    Students began learning from horn books, which were linked to bible. Education was largely not free and kids were educated to take the place of their parents. Religion played a huge role in what was being taught in schools.
  • Northwest Land Ordinance

    This ordinace created the Northwest territory which caused huge Westward expansion. Schooling in these areas was rare and often in makeshift classrooms. Teachers were recruited to come and teach children in these rural areas.
  • Common Schools

    American educational system as we know it today began to form. Instead of sporadic state legislation and abdication of responsibility, state systems of education were established. Horrace Mann was a huge advocate of common schools. The common school movement ended in the early 1900's.
  • The Impact of Jefferson, Rush, & Webster

    Jefferson advocated a bill which included, free education for 3 years. The bill did not pass but removed the stigma of pauperism from elementary schooling and founded the University of Virginia. Rush proposed that every town with 100+ families get free school and was an advocate for educating women and blacks. Webster sought cultural independence.
  • The Impact of Horace Mann

    The Impact of Horace Mann
    Horace MannMOST IMPORTANT EVENT: Horace Mann was known as the Father of American Education. He was the spokesperson and strong advocate for the common school movement. He worked on raising public support and awareness for education and established teacher training institutions. He belived it was the states responsibility to ensure that every child was provided an education and was also an advocate for womens education. Mann laid the foundation for our education system today.
  • Monitorial Schools, Charity Schools, & Infant Schools

    The main purpose of these school was to teach basic reading, writing and arithmetic's eacher instructs hundreds of students with the help of aids. They were cheap, supposed to instill orerliness, obedience, and industriousness.
  • The Impact of John Dewey

    John Dewey is known as the father of progressive education because he provided the intillectual foundation progressive education. He believed that schools should be invested helping to develop the child. He also believed that children learning by doing.
  • The Progressive Reform Movement

    The Progressive Reform Movement
    Progressive Movement MOST IMPORTANT: The progressive reform movement made a huge impact on the education system of the time whcih has impacted the quality of our schools today. It shifted the curriculums focus from the content to the child. It caused improvement in the schools as well as lowered teacher child ratio's. It focused on teacher the students in a way that would be meaningful to them.
  • Secondary School Movement

    Secondary School Movement
    Secondary EducationIMORTANT EVENT: In 1831 the first American comprehensive high school opened in Massachusetts. During this time Secondary school for girls were considered a waste of tax payers money. In 1860 there were 300 high schools and after the civil war they became even more popular. The secondary school movement put greater emphasis on higher education and progressed to where seconday education is much more common and available.
  • Committee of Ten

    In an effort to create a more standardized curriculem the committee of ten was organized. They standardized curriculum, with an emphasis on observation, memory expression and reasoning. As the committee was largly comprised of higher education instructors the currriculum also had a focus on preparing students for college level courses.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    This case made it all the way to the supreme court which ended in the ruling against segregation in schools. This ruling had little immediate effect as many states refused to listen. However it marked a major mile marker in equal right for black and minorities alike,
  • Sputnik and NDEA

    With the launching of Sputnik the American people felt the need to increase education perfomance especiallly in math and schience. NDEA increased funding for specific subjects such as science, math,and foriegn languages. The NDEA set the stage for increased government involvement in the education system.
  • A Nation at Risk Report

    A Nation at Risk Report
    A Nation at RiskIMPORTANT EVENT:The Nation at Risk Report is known as a call to action. The reform created a need for improved education. Achievement and accountability needed to be improved. It caused a greater emphasis on computer literacy, homeowrk, and basic skills. This reform, by raising the bar for both students and teachers, has had an effect on our school system today. We stil focus on computer literacy, homework and improving basic skills.
  • No Child Left Behind, 2001

    Act passed by George W. Bush. Allows schools to get funded based on how they do on standardized tests. Requires greater qulifications of teachers. There is a lot of pressure to do well on tests in order to pass Adequate Yearly Progress.
  • School Choice Movement: Charter Schools, Vouchers

    School Choice Movement: Charter Schools, Vouchers
    School ChoiceMOST IMPORTANT: The purpose of this movement was to create a sense of competition between schools, which improved the quality of the schools. With charter schools emerging and parents having more than one option, schools had to work to be successful and keep students attending their schools. If a school failed it was shut down. This is imortant to the education system today because it naturally creates a system where shcools perform to the best of their abilities.