Topic 1-2 Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    Development of agriculture in Mesopotamia

    Development of agriculture in Mesopotamia
    The development of agriculture in Mesopotamia is important as it allowed for civilizations to start forming with large communities.
  • 3000 BCE

    The development of a writing system

    The development of a writing system
    The development of a writing system called cuneiform allowed for record-keeping but also expanded towards literature and providing a examples for people in the future.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 200 BCE

    Topic 1-2 Timeline

  • 2340 BCE

    Sargon the Great creates the first army

    Sargon the Great creates the first army
    This created a whole new profession for people of the era allowing Sargon the Great to invade and conquer areas without needing to pull people from elswere
  • 1780 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi's Code
    Hammurabi's code provided a legal structure detailing the rights and obligations of the Babylonians. This gave a basis for future legal systems for years to come.
  • 1400 BCE

    The Mycenaean

    The Mycenaean
    The Mycenaeans were seafaring people they had to trade what they had to survive such as olives and grapes made into various things traded to other regions for other goods that can't be grown in their region of Greece.
  • 1300 BCE

    Phoenician Syllabic Alphabet

    Phoenician Syllabic Alphabet
    The Phoenician syllabic alphabet is important because it allowed for alphabets like those of Greece and Rome to emerge and be the basis of the alphabet of today. This also allowed for people not part of a scribe group to be able to read and write within the language as there were not as many characters as the symbolic alphabets.
  • 1100 BCE

    The Collapse of Bronze Age Empires

    The Collapse of Bronze Age Empires
    The collapse of the bronze age empires is important as it gave way to new empires and new technology of the iron age. The collapse caused the trade routes of the time collapsed causing a need to move away from bronze to iron.
  • 1050 BCE

    Collapse of The New Kingdom of Egypt

    Collapse of The New Kingdom of Egypt
    When The New Kingdom of Egypt went through the collapse of the bronze age they left details about what had happened. A drought and unusual conditions undermined their grain stores and social stability.
  • 650 BCE

    The beginning of the use of currency

    The beginning of the use of currency
    The Lydians came up with the idea of using gold as a currency to trade instead of having to transport goods to go trade them. It also made tax collection much easier to do. This revolutionized the economy of the time.
  • 600 BCE

    The Phoenicians and the Sea

    The Phoenicians and the Sea
    The Phoenicians were seafaring people who were able to sail the Meditarnian and possibly all around the continent of Africa. This allowed them to traded with other areas on the Mediterranean.