Transition to the Modern World

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta or "the great charter", is a set of laws by King John of England at Runnymede
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a fast spreading plauge that killed 1/3 of Europe in the Middle Ages
  • Jan 1, 1504

    Michelangelo (David)

    Michelangelo (David)
    Michelangelo's David was the newer, strong, and more grown up version of Donatells david. It was made for the medici
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luthers 95 Theses

    Luthers 95 Theses
    Theses were pinned arounf the area and spread with the printing press about why the Catholic Church needs to be reformed
  • Shakespeare (Romeo qnd Juliet)

    Shakespeare (Romeo qnd Juliet)
    Shakespeare was and English play write and poet. His works are still talked about today and he added many words to the english languange