Trip To China in 2020

  • Research

    I start to look into colleges that offer students to travel abroad. I also research the prices for college tuition.
  • Period: to

    Saving, saving saving

    I will be saving the money I have, and the money I earn to get a headstart on saving up for this long-term financial goal.
  • Holidays and Birthdays

    My birthday and Christmas will take place. Since my friends and family do give me money as gifts, this would be a perfect opportunity to save up, since I will be given almost $200 dollars in total.
  • I am accepted into college

    I have gotten three acceptance letters from the three colleges of my choice. Out of Arizona State, University of Michigan, University of Phoenix, Arizona State University was the most promising in terms of studying abroad and other courses that I am interested in taking.
  • College

    After choosing and getting accepted into my chosen college, I will start to be more active about saving money for this trip. I will be in a part-time job, putting away my earnings for later.
  • Period: to

    Travel plans

    Within the first two years of college in between saving money, working, and being a student, I will be researching the best times to get deals on flights to China. I will also be checking in with professors or representatives to find out about study-abroad programs.

    Black Friday is the day when the madness of when holiday shopping begins. Of course I will want to buy family, friends and myself some nice items. I will use this time to think about trade-offs and opportunity costs, so that I will make the right choices when I shop for the gifts I give to my friends, family and other tems I would like to buy for myself.
  • Unexpected Event

    An unexpected event that may occur is a grandparent's death. Money will be distributed amongst the members of my family. This would be an opportunity to put a large sum of money away.
  • Paying for tickets

    Having estimated correctly, this will be the correct date to pay for my plane tiicket to China. This means, I will need to take out some money. Becasue I did the calculations in advance, I will take out exactly $3500 dollars. I was the person who came first, and was then served first to get a bargain.
  • Job Promotion

    My boss promoted me from cashier to one of her co-assistants. My pay will be raised to almost $20 dollars a month! I will continue to put away my earnings for my future trip to China.
  • The Trip to China is Here

    My five year plan has been successful. I have saved up more than I had planned. My original goal that I would have about $36,000 dollars. But, due to the unexpected death of one of my grandparents, more money flooded in. I immediately put that money away. I then ended up with $55,000 for my trip! Bon Voyage!