Author homer engraving iliad odyssey

Hicks Odyssey

By ahicks
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Odyssey thought about a great idea to win the trojan war . He wanted to build a giant vessel and hide all of the Greek soldiers inside. Once he built a giant vessel he would have the people come in the vessels and the soldiers would jump out and kill them causing the others to be frightened and surprised.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan war started by the Greeks against the city of Troy because Greek gods began to intrude in human affairs.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Once he built a giant vessel he would have the people come in the vessels and the soldiers would jump out and kill them .
  • 1200

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    At this locations odyssey helped his crew defeat troy city . He gave them good ideas to fight in the Trojan war . Odysseus gained from this location is that he is confident .
  • 1210

    End of Trojan war

    End of Trojan war
    The Trojan war was intense and the Greeks won against troy city. They won because they have been experienced fighting for a long time .
  • 1210

    Trojan war

    Trojan war
    They won the trojan war and odyssey gained from the Trojan war is that he misses his family and wants to return home to ithaca.
  • 1210

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    It took odyesseus a very long time to return home it went through some diffculties . He lands on his island kingdom of Ithaca disguised as a beggar
  • 1220

    Trojan War

    Odyssey realized that life's sweetness was affecting from him in longing for his home. He truly misses his home and wife because he has been gone for about 10-20 years.
  • Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Zeus sends a storm to odyssey and his men . The storm affects them for nine days they end up arriving to lotus eaters
  • Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Once odyessey men ate the fruit odysessy dragged them back to ship . They got on the sip and seen cyclopes land and went there .
  • Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Odyssey and his men arrive at lotus eaters , once they get out of the ship the natives gives odyessy men fruit . The fruit causes them to lose thoughts of coming home
  • Cyclopus

    His men ate the lotus eaters but odyessy did not eat the lotus eaters that makes you forget to go home .He goes to cyclopes land to get food for his man and things happen
  • Cyclopus

    When treaveling odyessus sees cyclopus land , his men tell him to get food for them. He get wild goat and crates of milk and cheese but he get caught because he wanders .
  • Cyclopus

    Once he wanders and get caught he gets locked up by polyphemus and cyclopus . Polyphemus eats two of odyessus men on the spot . He locks up odyessus for his future meals
  • Cyclopus

    Once they get locked u they go to sleep and odyessus gets wine from the ship and gives it to him. He gets really drunk and goes to sleep and when he goes to sleep they sneak back on the ship.
  • Cyclopus

    Overall cyclopus gains that there will always be diffculties and that him and his men matter so he always help and think of plans to keep them safe.
  • Bag of Wind

    Bag of Wind
    Odyessey needs a way to get back home with his men .So the Archeans are sailing from the land of cyclopes to the home of aelous . Aelous shows odyessey a bag with all winds.
  • Bag of wind

    Bag of wind
    Aelous helps guide odyessus and his crew back home with his power of wind . In 10 days they are almost in sight of ithaca but then something happens
  • Bag of wind

    Bag of wind
    When they see that they are close by ithaca his shipmates start to think the bags of winds are pure gold . So his shipmates open the bags of winds when they open it a storm starts backs up and takes them back to Aeolia
  • Bag of wind

    Bag of wind
    When they go back to aeolia , aeolus refuses to help him and his people with him on the ship .
  • Bag of wind

    Bag of wind
    Odyessus notices that he should have let his men know what was in the bag. If he told his men this would have never happened .
  • Circle

    After aelous refuses than odyessus goes to circle for help .Odysseus and his men travel to Aeaea. Who is an beautiful witch-goddess ,she drugs Odysseus’s men and turns them into pigs. When she drugs them the she tries to go for odyessus .
  • Circle

    Odyessey tells circle to turn his men back into human and she listens because she loves odyessey . But then odyessus and circle catch a connection and he lives with her for a year .After that odyessus ask her can she help him and his men return back home .
  • Circle

    Odysseus asks Circe for the way back to Ithaca. She tells odyessus he has to travel to Hades, to speak with the a blind prophet who will tell him how to get home. He goes through alot to get to talk to the prophet.
  • Circle

    Odyessus notices that he has to be more catious when being with circle. Because circle is very serious
  • Sirens

    Once odyessus and his men go to circle ,she helps them go back home . They make there way to sirens land and when they arrive circle tells him to cover his ears in beeswax because sirens has music that can make you feel a certain way.
  • Sirens

    Once they pass the sirens island ,they have to be careful and make sure they dont see scylla and charybdis .Scylla is a six headed monster and charybdis is a huge whirlpool that can swallow their whole ship
  • Sirens

    they see and hear scylla and charybdis , they began to think about what to do they just stare at them then something happens . Overall odyessus should have been more quiet and could have got away .
  • Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    When him and his men stare at charybdis , scylla eight heads eats 6 of odyessus sailors .
  • Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Odyessus,his men and circle see scylla and charybdis .Odyessus holds his course very tight against the cliff of scylla circle tells him to do that . His men began to stare at charybdis .
  • Scylla and Charybdis

    Once syclla eats the sailors odyessus gets away with circle and goes to a different island .
  • Scylla and Charybdis

    If odyessus didnt listen to circle he probably could have made a way for his sailors . Odyessus should have thought about what to do because he comes up with great plans for example like he did for the trojan war .
  • Helios

    Odyessus and his people went to thirinacia ,the island of the sun which is where the heilos cattle is .
  • Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    Odyessus gets to to the helios cattle and tells Eurylochus to not slaughter it but his other crew members to do not listen to Odysseus and slaughter the cattle of the Sun. The Sun finds out and he tells Zeus to punish Odysseus and his men. Zeus listens and has another storm come which destroys his ship.
  • Suitors/Home

    Odyessus survies the storm that zeus sent .He has a ship that he goes on and he makes it back home.His wife peneople has people throw the arrow and she sees who she will marry.