
  • educatoin

    when the education started in the colonies
  • marriage

    they could mary cousins.
  • jamestown

    Jamestown colony founded under a patent of the London Company.
  • mayflower

    signed the mayflower compact for there own governmennt
  • massachusetts

    massachussets was founded in religious freedom
  • mercantilism

    basic policy imposed by Britain on its colonies

    Nathaniel Bacon leads a group of frontiersmen from Western Virginia in a rebellion against Virginia Governor William Berkeley which results in Baconís burning of Jamestown. Bacon and fellow rebels also crush the Susquehannock Indians who have been attacking the settlers of Western Virginia. The rebellion disintegrate when Bacon dies suddenly in October 1676.
  • Religious

    The Great Awakening was a major religious revival movement that took place in most colonies in the 1730s and 1740s.
  • american settlement

    Proclamation of 1763 issued by King George forbids American settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • pensylvania

    Pennsylvania enact a law mandating the gradual abolition of slavery. Massachusetts adopts a bill of rights that applies to blacks and whites equally