Tudors 1547-1603

  • Jan 28, 1547

    Death of Henry VIII

    Henry died aged 56 and was buried next to his 3rd wife Jane Seymor. It was due to a variety of reasons which cannot be pin pointed due to his poor physical state and being overweight. He left 9 year old Edward as his heir to the throne.
  • Jan 29, 1547

    Duke of Somerset becomes Lord Protector

  • Mar 20, 1549

    Execution of Sir Thomas Seymor

  • Jan 22, 1552

    Execution of Somerset

  • Mar 1, 1553

    Forty Two Articles of Religion Complied

  • Jul 6, 1553

    Death of Edward VI and 'Devise'

    Edward VI died aged 15 leaving his sister as Queen. However a 'Devise' was concieved to make Lady Jane Grey Queen.She became Queen of 9 days and was executed the ne3xt year (1554). Catholic Mary I acceded.
  • Jul 19, 1553

    Mary I proclaimed Queen

    Mary aceeded Lady JAne Grey 9 days after she was proclaimed Queen through the 'Devise'
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Corination of Mary I

    Execution of Northumberland
    Trial of Northumberland
  • Mar 21, 1556

    Execution of Thomas Cranmer

    The former Archbishop of Canterbury was burned at the stake for his protestantism.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Death of Mary and Acession of Elizabeth I

    Mary I dies leaving Elizabeth I as Queen. Sir William Cecil is appointed as Secretary and the influenza epidemic continues.
  • Jul 6, 1560

    Treaty of Edinburgh

    English and French agre to leave Scotland
  • Jan 1, 1563

    CofE issue Thirty-Nine-Articles

    The Church of England publish the articles defining the faith of the Church. Elizabeth is pressed by parliment to marry.
  • Jul 28, 1563

    Treaty of Amboise

    This surrendered Le Havre to combined Catholic and Huguenot French forces after an attack ordered by the regent of France, Catherine de Medici.
  • Apr 11, 1564

    Treaty of Troyes

    England gace Calais to France
  • Jan 1, 1568

    Clashes between Spanish and English Fleet

  • Mar 1, 1571

    Ridolfi polt to assassinate Elizabeth

    This was a plot to assasinate the new Queen. The Duke of Norfolk was executed in 1572 for colmplicity of th plot.
  • Jul 1, 1571

    Cecil creates Lord Burghley

    Cecil is given a higher status
  • Aug 22, 1572

    Execution of Northumberland

    Thomas Percy, Duke of Northumberland, was executed for his role in the Revolt of the Northern Earls.
  • Dec 20, 1573

    Sir Francis Walsingham appointed secretary of state

  • Jan 1, 1581

    Act to retain her Madjestys Subjects in their due obedience declares that anyone withdrawing subjects from obedience is a traitor

    Edmund Champion, Jesus priest was also executed in this year
  • John Whitgift appointed Archbishopof Canterbury

    Throckmorton plot in the same year.
  • lots of things

    Expulsion of Spanish Ambasador
    Assassination of William of Orange
    Treaty of Joinville between Phillip II and French Catholic league
  • Treaty of Nonsuch commits Elizabeth to military intervention in the Netherlands

  • Execution of Mary Queen of Scots

    Also successful English attack on Spanish fleet at Cadiz
  • Spanish Armada defeated

    Death of Earl of Leicester
  • Death of Hatton

    Also Robert Cecil promoted to Privvy council
  • Beginning of Tyrone Rebellion in Ireland

    Also the first of a series of bad harvests
  • Tyrones Rebellion in Ireland

  • Robert Southwell executed at Tyburn

    Southwell was a Jesuit missionary, educated and inducted into priesthood in Rome, who came to England in 1586 and was eventually convicted of treason for his activities.
  • Edward Squire Executed

    Squire was a Catholic sailor, convicted of high treason for plotting to poison the Queen.
  • Earl of Essex placed in charge of English army

    The Queen's favourite Robert, Earl of Essex was placed in charge of a large English army to suppress Irish rebels but Essex signs an unauthorized truce with the Earl of Tyrone. He is then
    deprived of his titles and arrested
  • Grain Riots in Somerset

  • More things

    Elizabethan Poor Law charges the parishes with providing for the needy
    Robert, Earl of Essex attempts rebellion which fails February 25: Robert Devereux (1566-1601), Earl of Essex is executed on Tower Green, the Queen never gets over his treachery and death
  • Start of the seige of Kinsale

    This battle was between English forces and joint Spanish-Irish ones. The eventual victory of the English in early 1602 gave them momentum in the war, allowing them to conclude a fair but favourable peace on 30 March 1603.
  • Lizzie Dies

    Queen Elizabeth dies on 24 March 1603 of of blood poisoning. She is succeeded by James I of England